Contributed by
Friday, 23rd June 2006 @ 07:18:41 AM in AEST
I took a road without markings or sign posts leaving behind memories and old ghosts treading cautiously, without friends or enemies free of anger and jealousies with only a ragged pack of ambition a few songs for rendition and after thirst and deprivation arrived here, in this place with a hopeful heart in good space with the company of those blind to the old me except for the whispers in my poetry and, after rest and conversation sought other paths with no end in sight where I could travel hard and light and be free.
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... [
2006-06-23 07:18:41] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by NoSaint on
Friday, 23rd June 2006 @ 10:10:24 AM AEST (User
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I liked this a lot
NS |
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Friday, 23rd June 2006 @ 08:18:09 PM AEST (User
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I love to read and ponder your poetry. I love to take each word, each line and put them in my mouth, chew on 'em, savor their different tastes, spout 'em out in oral honor.
Ya took me on a metaphoric journey to a "good space" where I too "could travel hard and light, And be free."
Wonderful ----- oh and SUPERB!
One question. Is that an Australian landscape?
cowboy |
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by Silent-No-More on
Friday, 23rd June 2006 @ 10:20:14 PM AEST (User
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Well now, here's a fine example of why I love coming to your page and why I'll come back again and again and again and.... (and I know already, I'm soooooooooo going to ramble here!!!!)
A while back I stumbled across this while surfing the net:
"Sitting in the control room of a radio station and smoking a cigarette is a long-haired, quiet, intense young man. The lights blink ON AIR ON AIR, and then switch to KEROUAC KEROUAC. And indeed the words are from the author of On the Road, and here the voice breaks into the jazz poems of Kerouac's Mexico City Blues, perhaps the greatest volume of straight-out jazz poetry ever written. And the man who's reading them, in a gently-inflected smoke-tinged voice, is JOHNNY DEPP, who, when not starring in movies, is an avid Kerouac fan and scholar." (Surprised? I... wasn't. I'll try to explain...)
That's seriously cool, right? But it gets better.... Johnny wrote about the experience, why he was there and the events of the day - including an interaction with Allen Ginsberg that lead to a strange sort of friendship (that maybe only artsts/poets could understand) between them that lasted until Ginsberg's death. Ginsberg had, that day, upon overhearing Depp rehearsing Kerouac's piece, attempted to redirect him by demonstrating how it should be read. Depp, of this initial meeting, wrote (in part):
"I was looking straight down the barrel at one of the most gifted and important poets of them twentieth century, and with all the truth and guts I could muster up, I said in response, "Yeah, but I'm not reading it as him, I'm reading it as me. It's my interpretation of his piece."
How fabulous is that?! Ginsberg knew then, that Johnny 'got it'. I had known for a while that he did and cannot tell you how thrilled I was to find "proof" of it. I chased down Johnny's article and even - found (!!!) that recording... I cannot even tell you how many times I listened to it that night.
I tell you this long (I think, fabulous) story here for a reason....
I came here, found this, read it aloud, got the beat immediately and knew without doubt -
YOU get it too.
... and to my way of thinking, there just ain't nothin' finer than a poet/artist who embraces, understands and is inspired by another of his kind, so to speak. Extremely well done, poet!
(who gets seriously wound up over stuff like this!!!!!)
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Saturday, 24th June 2006 @ 04:25:12 PM AEST (User
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Ah,Spike,Kerouac?"Reading Dharma Bums,by Jack Kerouac,over and over again."
This is the business,
Den |
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by deadclown on
Sunday, 25th June 2006 @ 05:05:36 AM AEST (User
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Really liked this.Great piece of work. Refreshin to read somethin with a positive outlook(unlike my own.Nevermind.I like bein a misery) . Also, great interests. Love it |
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by Merry on
Sunday, 2nd July 2006 @ 11:48:17 AM AEST (User
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This poem says so much about life and how we traverse the path - about the different times in our lives and how we deal with change - so well done - such smooth transitioning from one phase to another - well done my friend.
Merry |
Re: Soultrek
(User Rating: 1 ) by girltranscended on
Wednesday, 2nd August 2006 @ 10:40:12 PM AEST (User
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just gotta add to the love here.... I fell right into the beat, it moved me along. and upon re-read especially adore
"Blind to the old me,
Except for the whispers
In my poetry"
and the fact that you not only journied with no path, no one else, found friends, then journied again seeking more, less - just spectacular. It speaks of your core being - your strength.
(you seem to be free already)
gt :) |