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Contributed by steeleyes on Saturday, 8th July 2006 @ 05:38:17 PM in AEST
Topic: political

Well, he finally made sixty
Thats IQ though, not age
He finally got a tad smarter
Not quite a retard in a rage

Someone finally told him
He was a symbol for some
That made them fight against him
Not realising he was dumb

The rhetoric has gotten calmer
More measured and less nutty
Some things even make sense now
For a brain thats made of putty

The grey hairs have started showing
Theyre growing out now, stead of in
The walnut inside is ripening
And slowing in its spin

Maybe he realises finally
All the screw ups that hes made
And now that hes reached sixty
All memory has begun to fade

The hundred thousand innocents
Whos blood is on his hands
He can hardly remember
They make no demands

The WMDs that werent there
Vanish in a mirage of the mind
As he settles down to senility
The lot of the politically blind

The links from Iraq to al Qaeda
That really werent there
The links to 9/11
Its all out of his hair

Now that hes reached sixty
He can finally relax
Now we EXPECT his dopey smile
His carelessness with facts

Soon he can go back an oldie
To color in memoirs at the farm
And look back at his family tree
And the world he did so much harm

But hes just a jolly sixty
Hes a president growing old
Well forget he did mass murder
Well forget even to scold

Just pat the retard on the skull
And kick him upstairs to bed
Its just harmless old witless George
Who made all those people dead

So celebrate reaching sixty
Because thats as high as it gets
His IQ will climb no higher now
Nor the chances of regrets

Copyright © steeleyes ... [ 2006-07-08 17:38:17]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: BUSH FINALLY MADE SIXTY! (User Rating: 1 )
by sandypoet on Saturday, 8th July 2006 @ 05:56:46 PM AEST
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I don't have to ask you if you like him now. You have strong beliefs. So many things in the past that should not been done. From under all of the presidents I think. Although I can't list each one. I am so glad God don't keep a list of my wrong doings. I am glad I am able to be forgiven for all of them. I have a brother who served over in iraq. He could tell you himself that Bush did good by sending them over there. So if he can say it. I believe others could to if they just see that beyond our minds and what we see and hear on t.v. Is very little then what we should see and hear .. all the good things that comes out of it. Only the Lord knows why. He places people in the presidents seats because... We just need to pray for him. That is our only job to do, is to pray not put him down and list his faults. We wouldn't want our faults listed. The bible says if you don't forgive one another, He won't forgive us. As for the poem. I like how it was written. and the picture.. wow..

Re: BUSH FINALLY MADE SIXTY! (User Rating: 1 )
by Spike on Saturday, 8th July 2006 @ 09:05:12 PM AEST
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An appropriate 'happy birthday' to an incurious, aphasic armaggedon seeker who has his own built in 'plausible deniability'. Terrific poem, full of satire, bile and angry ascerbic sadness at the blatant lies by people meant to lead and represent, not serve their own greed and their corporate masters, nor to drive a whole world into a new era of chaos and a country into financial ruin. We've got mongrel leaders like that too, acting with impunity -our only option is the ballot box, but like the US, we have too many vested interest groups and a groundswell of conservatism that makes any change difficult.

Forget the news and the political rhetoric - visit sites like 'Now that's F*** up'-now I think closed down by your state and federal govt, not for its soft core pornography or apparent breach of the Geneva Convention but bc of its explicit photos of the dead and injured, Iraqis and Americans alike, and the comments of soldiers about these deaths. 5 or so years on,and the country is in more dissaray then ever. I'm not against war or aggressive incursion per se, but there are more low impact and less costly ways to knock off a leader and usurp a ruling party.

As to the first person's comment that God chooses presidents, well thats just frightening. Do you live in a Republic or an empire? Your God, their gods, thats total bull that allows this kind of carnage to be justified in the first place. The irony is that now the 'coalition of the willing' has to continue their occupation of Iraq because the whole middle east is now de-stabilised. Thank you for having the guts, like a few other poets on this site to post political protest.


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