Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
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Saturday, 12th August 2006 @ 02:27:54 PM in AEST
Woe to all those that do not use their clout And stand up for brave hard-tried Israel, But duck, duck, duck, instead of shouting loud, Gainst her aggressors,- minions of hell.
Oh you that zealously cite Holy Writ: Read: Comfort Ye My People* says the Lord* Refuse to comfort it in dire need, And by your silence disobey His word.
Ah! preaching is much easier,- isnt it? For the loquacious whether dull or bright That preached a lot indeed, but ran and hid, When He was crowned with thorns and crucified.
Go! comfort Ye My People says the Lord, Stand up for those that are of it in need ! But churches threw His clear word overboard, And disregarding it proclaim their creed.
Up to the brim she drank the bitter cup, And battled foes that hide behind small kids As human shields, and woman take the rap, Or old civilians, Joey, Bill or Fritz.
Complacency our planes are flying still, No need to be upset so and afraid, We are still save, averted was the kill, T is Zions Daughter who the high prize paid.
Persistent and so patient is the foe, So very patient,- he will wait for years, To yet increase our terror and our woe, But the complacent man has wax-clogged ears.
Meanwhile remember that neutrality Unpalatable and distasteful is To Him that oversees our destiny And rules that justice has to go with peace.
Hear Ye! the Lord does say: I will spit out What's neither hot nor cold, - Neutrality- Tepidity I'll surely scorn and flout- Intolerable is its taste to me'.
*Isaiah 40-1
Elizabeth Dandy
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2006-08-12 14:27:54] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by candysears on
Saturday, 12th August 2006 @ 02:50:21 PM AEST (User
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So true it explains itself...
The music is soothing also..nice
God Bless! |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Saturday, 12th August 2006 @ 07:18:13 PM AEST (User
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Is childish diagrams and aggressive langauge what religion is about? A picture of a lebanese child with 60% burns not available then.... |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Sunday, 13th August 2006 @ 12:39:40 AM AEST (User
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Bravo, bravo, my friend, for such a strong, true write.
luv, big huggs,
emy |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 13th August 2006 @ 01:46:17 AM AEST (User
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Christopher, I applaud your honesty and opinion both of intelligence and consequence. This reads like what it is - a fundamentalist rant.
rest of comment snipped by Mod_999
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 13th August 2006 @ 04:56:19 AM AEST (User
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Thanks larkspur. you said pretty much everything i wanted to say/have said and a little more. However, things will never change when people put aggression and religion before human life and compromise. |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Sunday, 13th August 2006 @ 06:56:11 AM AEST (User
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Birds of one feather flock together. Old truth, but ever fascinating and new.
How marvellously lthe spirits are revealed in Cyber Space.
'Revelation comes in various ways'
It comes across the lanes of Cyberspace..
And thus dear poet peers I beg and plead
Study the comments well, pray "READ" "READ" " |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Fionndruinne on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 02:16:25 AM AEST (User
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Interesting, interesting - what a lot of viscious commenting here, and all of it misinformed. This piece is not directed to the world, but to churches and Christians - those who, with a shared heritage and also the doctrine of future promise in Israel, still care nothing for its trials. So, really, this piece was not directed at all toward the angry, leftist critics who seem to have such a problem with it.
I think it's a good piece. Personally I don't tend to like Elizabethian English, but it's alright in moderation. I do feel, though, that the graphics detract from the integrity of it, as they rub the wrong way in major fashion with the high style.
Andrew |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 07:32:39 AM AEST (User
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Andrew! you are blessed. !
You got a marvellous Einstein! You were the only one to see against whom the poem (composed within minutes ,by a multilingual poet (8 languages) is directed,
Yes, it is against those that preach of virtues, from pulpits to poor buggers, and do not find it in thear heart to endorse their sibling. when he asked to be endorsed. in greatest need, (I personally am not shy to hold the feet of my own church (RC ) to the fire, in my own modest way, just ring the bell-about this deplorable state.
Andrew! know that I do not mind getting hateful comments, (solely here) I shall prove it to you how it is elsewhere.
But praise or hate, I am indifferent to such trivialities, as long as I get the message out. Capisci Carissimo? Ring the bell!
My style and syntax will not be changed, as I have to fight with eight (8) of them. but am leaning on the English Classics. and my mother, whom I am translating.from German Who does not like it, it's just too bad.
But the message goes out even so.
Blessed be the Lord.!
Praise Him too ,-
Andrew ! HE has given you the gift of discernment. and what a brain!
"Discern the Spirits" says Saint Paul (Corinthians I ?)
Congratulations Andrew!
and blessings
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 10:42:11 AM AEST (User
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Leftist? *sighs* Oh i thought he'd be blessed because he agrees with you. Aimed at the churches? What are you talking about? You're explanation did everything but offer an explanation and just gave Elizabeth one more reason to write more poetry for the biggot. |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 11:56:59 AM AEST (User
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Hatred never dies.
Read! Read!, Read!
Read! Read!The more the merrier,
To understand the hate Christopher!
Oh frienhds around the globe read! read!
And take good notice of this all - I plead!
Come on and read! , -the more the merrier
To watch the hatred grow of Christopher
Of dullest hatred he is champion
Who even garnered a companion,
so go ahead and READ! READ! READ!
perhaps the dullest one will notice it
The more of them, behold! - the merrier
Watch how the hatred grows of Christopher!
Lo dearest friends outside and poet peers
I patiently indeed anticipate
Some more of hater Christopher's sweet cheers
The lovely cheers of everlasting hate.
Read!. read! most fascinating t'is
The commentary of the hater Chris.
Read!. I pray read! - the more the merrier
To understand the hate of Christopher
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by deadheadpoet on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 06:14:19 PM AEST (User
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This is sad. War is sad. Unbelievable the amount of people who believe as you do. It scares me.....a lot. Killing people is wrong, no matter who they are. Religion that continues to condone death in such a way..... It is sickening.
Peace, Laura |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by RLWildPassions on
Tuesday, 15th August 2006 @ 07:12:34 PM AEST (User
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God is handling it all... He will not allow forever those who in the lead to keep there if that is His choosing... I pray God will take care of His people always... He does... still keep in mind, we won at the cross... He knows who's eyes are and will remain open.. bless this dear write for whatever there is meant to be said in it.. it humbles my heart to keep praying for all as God will handle it and has.. our time here.. we can't see it.... but He has taken care of the world affairs RL |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Claire890 on
Wednesday, 16th August 2006 @ 04:46:50 AM AEST (User
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I agree with those who say that this is just an evil write. You seem to be in a tunnel of ignorance. I can assure you that God will have no time for people like you. |
Re: Woe Unto Those that Do Not Use Their Clout
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Wednesday, 16th August 2006 @ 09:35:49 AM AEST (User
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To use for defamation to pervert,
While ganging up with haters for support,
The gift of God – sinister the bird,
That does this for the pleasure of the Lord.
Watch Ye ! - the boundless hatred boil and seethe,
It is about to burst, crack and explode,
And thus befoul the land, the fields and trees,
With slander, well supported, raw and hot.
The language – hear the stream of slime which is
Geared to defame – To please almighty God,
T’s talent to defame with filth and sleeze
That makes inhabitable land and sod.
Companions of hate gang up! - Hurray!
Supporting the muck bird and sing its laud
And keep their steady hatred on display,
What honor is it to be called “BIGOT”!