AM letting go...
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Monday, 13th November 2006 @ 08:53:25 AM in AEST
Am trying to understand why am still hurt... He's gone and I know it I did all that I could..
Maybe that's why am so sad I still wish I was able to make it last...
Did I screw up? Was it me? Was it him? I don't know... Was it the circumstances... who cares saj just let it go
Am not able to its driving me crazy... I just wanna feel good... or stop loving him maybe
Maybe then ill start thinking straight Collect my self together before it's too late
Why is it that am so confused... Or should I be feeling like this coz am so bruised
Its hard enough just passing the time When I can't seem to get him off my mind
Let it go saj! I told my self But I loved him so much couldn't help my self
Why do I love him?. why does everything keep reminding me of him I should be over him ... get out of this pain I should know better its driving me insane.... Never thought ill fall for anyone that fast Never thought ill be acting like that... we did it so wrong from the start Until he lost interest and we fell apart...
Did he really loose interest? I don't know... was that it?..
And so he did?! Just let go who gives a ****...
Stressed my self about it from the beginning Don't know why I kept on playing
Was I happy with him before? No! But am still not happy now though...
I thought ill feel better when it's over But am stressing my self again all over...
It's not meant to be! I kept telling my self to see
What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so vulnerable and unhappy!
Its ok saj it's just a phase Things well soon get better soon as u get out of this maze...
It wasn't meant for us to be together... But there's a lesson ill carry with me for ever...
Just dont let it taken the best of u Don't let the pain and guilt take over u...
Enough with the drama Am letting go now no more dilemma...
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2006-11-13 08:53:25] (Date/Time posted on
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