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Monday, 20th November 2006 @ 07:29:10 PM in AEST
locked inside this emptyness, a void i can't escape, i want to ve freed from this, but I can not find the strength.
because somehow i've become addicted, this pain makes me feel so alive, and i know these scars are proof of insainity, but i just want way to cry.
and feel those tears, warm streaming down my cheek, because they don't flow anymore, i too damned weak.
it's not suicide, i just want to feel something! and you can't make me stop, cuzz this somethings better than nothing.
you try living like me, with my dormant eyes, my tattered heart, just see it from my veiw and you'll know why.
but don't judge when you don't know, you've still got yor feeling, you have your ouw way of getting over pain, so why can't you just let me start my healing?
o, you WANT to understand you say? o, i dont think you do! who know what might happen, only if you knew!
i'll do it here watch me go, i told you i'm addcted, now do you know?
NO? you don't? still you cant understand, let me slit your wrist now, give me your hand!
do want to get it? feel what I do? who knows what'll happen, id only you knew.
try having your heart ripped out, and thrown in your face, and have your mom call you a slut, and feel earth is not your place!
do you still wanna know? feel what i do? for who knows what would happen, if only you knew.
here- i know, how you'll understand, watch as i die, from a wound inflicted by my own hand!
you see how intense, i'd rather be in hell. why? you wonder, it's too shameful to tell...
so still wanna know, feel what i do? for who's knows what would happen, if ever you knew.....
well now, it's to late...
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2006-11-20 19:29:10] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Numb
(User Rating: 1 ) by wizard on
Monday, 20th November 2006 @ 08:37:28 PM AEST (User
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an awesome write... i liked it a lot!
wiz |
Re: Numb
(User Rating: 1 ) by purplestary on
Monday, 20th November 2006 @ 10:34:51 PM AEST (User
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powerfull..noone seems to understand when the only feeling left is numbness...every now and then a slight glimps of pain, and hurt...but thats it....it's a really crappy way to live...i relate to this....but i refuse to give up because thats what life wants...for the broken, and the sick to just give up and feel that they don't belong here...so i just keep looking and searching ...one day i will win and i will have my proof that i belong....but most importantly, i hope eventually i find my passion again....i just keep remembering back when i still felt alive and how great it was and that stops me from giving up in a way...heaven forbid i miss the moment that was supposed to be my moment simply because i chose to give up...i just keep thinking that way and it keeps me going....this is such a powerfull write and topic...it just gets me started because i relate so much...nicely done. *standing ovation* .. the want to make others understand is expressed so well in this...you can feel so much of the anguish and the pain. it's just so sad that no amount of words could ever make anyone really understand what it's like to want to feel anything....just anything..no matter what it is... |
Re: Numb
(User Rating: 1 ) by purplestary on
Monday, 20th November 2006 @ 11:09:25 PM AEST (User
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i had to read it again..and i thought..if i had to read it again then i have to comment on how amazingly you expressed this again. so..again...amazing write. i too have focused alot of my writting around this kind of topic...because i relate to this feeling of numbness so much....i've started focusing alot on ways to force the world to understand that seeing isn't always believing..just because there are no visible scars doesn't mean that we don't hurt, and that our pain is not real. |
Re: Numb
(User Rating: 1 ) by Shadows_In_The_Darkness on
Thursday, 21st December 2006 @ 06:47:19 PM AEST (User
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Awesome! I loved reading the change of emotion. The sad misunderstood, to the anger u feel when they tell u they understand or want to. Amazing, very rarely do I feel from reading what I feel when I write, and u have done that for me. Keep writing, ur great at it.
Lilly |