A struggling coward
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Wednesday, 22nd November 2006 @ 07:40:58 PM in AEST
What a fine looking boy, how healthy and pleasing, unbeknown to the producers eye, angelic, loving, but surely decieving. a bundle of joy, delivered via gods wish, a reason of happiness , a love filled plan, a mortal thought, "lets build our clan". And there it beholds, a fine little baby, aching, screaming for its god given right, loving parents at the time, giving it comfort and love, so why does the youngster desire to fight. As time grows on the child matures, the parents assist, but do as they choose. Nappys, training pants, a part of growing, , it was the parents that planted the seed, they done the sowing. As years go on, you realise who you are, you have a mind, a thought, you get trained to be kind. An evil world awaits, but your not prepared, wrapped in cotton wool , your going to get scared, You enter the world, evil, pain , hurt, what can you do, you have been protected, loved, and now you are you. fight, hit, scream, ache and suffer the pain, seems life isnt worth this, remember able and cain. Time goes on, a chapter is told, maybe small, and maybe old, but then again, look at your life, maybe one day YOU, will start a family, produce a kid, with your loving wife.
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2006-11-22 19:40:58] (Date/Time posted on