Defeating Unrest
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Tuesday, 2nd January 2007 @ 05:09:06 AM in AEST
Let us defeat all wars and unrest With the most powerful of the weapons: Love, that conquers the hearts of all, At the name of which, evil runs Away fom human souls, being overthrown And Love reigns, wherever you may see That extinguishes the fire of hatred, Instead it raises the flags of victory- The victory of peace.
Love, alone, can crush all of sorts of battles And return to those hearts, hope and happiness, That have been bombarded with grief and loss, Ruin and destruction have made of which a mess. Never was there an alternative to Love Nor is there one ever going to be So why do they use nukes to win wars? Ah, ignorant are they that nukes only Win blood and tears.
Let us overcome the differences between us And put an end to injustice and violence, We are all Children of Adam and Eve, Their successors in this world, and hence Let us abide by the Golden Rule of living That makes us so secure in the land So that towards the strived-for prosperity, We all walk together hand in hand- Love for mankind.
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2007-01-02 05:09:06] (Date/Time posted on
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