playing all day,, running through the fields,, chaseing butterflies,, all day long, leap frog with daddy,, a happy day it is,, playing all day,, just me and the little one,,
afternoon lunch,, she calls me in,, asks me to say our prayers,, as her little head goes down,, we say them together,, a i listen to her,, please jesus,, protect us all,,
a tear can from my eye,, as she said this little verse,, i thought of all the things,, that she could if said,, but this was something else,, as she raise her head,, she looked at me,, said daddy,, everything will be alright,, still with a tear in my eye's,,, i said it will be,,
we played all day again,, with thoughts of what she said,, she still wanted to chase the butterflies,, with nothing wrong in her eye's,, proud with honor,, this little one gave me,,, time came fast,, as it was time for bed,, she aske me and mom,, to say our prayers with her,, she bowed her head,, and we prayed,, she said please protect us all,, for your our lord jesus christ,, you promised me,, tht you woul never leave me,, amen,,,
as i closed the door,, i sat and wondered,, the little one with dreams,, hope's,,faith,,,love for all,, can say a prayer like this,, this child taught me something,, everyone needs the lord,, even if a child like this,, can pray for,,, please say one for her,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-02-20 09:20:00] (Date/Time posted on