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Thursday, 11th January 2007 @ 03:27:23 PM in AEST
I want to give up on everything, including myself... Shut myself up in my own world and never come out.. I want to scream until somebody hears me... But they wont, they never can. I've been screaming all my life but nobody cares. They never stop and listen, stop and listen for me crying for help. Why wont anybody help me? Is it because they are to caught up in their own lives and problems that they cant see that I am desperate, desperate for affection, desperate for help, desperate for a caring hand, a soothing touch, desperate for love? Or is it because I am not here? Am I invisible to this world? But no, no this cannot be! I can remember times when I have smiled, laughed, cared. Is this time in my head a faded dream, a hope?
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2007-01-11 15:27:23] (Date/Time posted on
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