Thinking cap
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Monday, 29th July 2002 @ 01:16:57 PM in AEST
Settle Cleric, scary? Very, belligerence in the counting, Embezzle, confrontation, greed and feed upon the outing. Ears and bumble bees, free duty free within the many many, Too many with far to much lust had for the pretty penny.
Wise enough this time to seldom run it counter clockwise, Shock absorber service absorbed by electronic mantle demise. The reddened shelter armed itself with a falling quadratic crow, Topic change; Rockets are maimed, and all systems are blow.
Syphon my rifle, trifle, pass it on or calculate the liar bible, Hard sell, five minute trial, buckets, roughage, and climate bile. Pendant demonic Damonic harmonic resonance to cellophane, Alyson Hannigan is yet to call me ***** and tell me to say her name.
Strange bulk bought creatures eat up with some darkness set to follow, Zone defend, potential vengeance, what constitutes a sleepy hollow? Pentecostal pocket novel, diamonds have themselves a salty sound, My hairs a mess, dressed in Sunday best of flannel and some goose down.
Some negligence, pride and prejudice, paperback pillow fight, Relevance, devils dance, genuine genocide flees into the night. Bicep, triceps, limpet, sicker shift, liquor license, Plastic bag, two to tango and teddy bears picnic violence.
Parties sworn in, two minds caught in, pyromaniac/fireman, Swing, sing song, sit back, charge lentil soup and pay up, goddamn. Diary entry, sentry, surface to air child lock, Dont be swayed from what you want to do, a boulders just a big rock.
Wild west, math test, pyrotechnics, something to be proud of, Dont let Wilb on international flights, hell Bacardi drink them out of. Red faces are the basis of Nations that win by a bleeding nose, Give Schumacher Michael a unicycle and see how the b***ard goes.
Politicians with ideas, good will, missions and visions, before the votes are in, Once theyre counted, come off it public, my fingers were crossed, got you all cause I was kidding. What happened to earth and the peace behind Eve and Adam kicking it in the garden? Now its people living in bins, Bin Laden, lager, drugs and death Oh, its not? Well be my pardon.
Whether its a word or not, its my prerogative not to believe in coldness, Please dont go, you need to push me, Ill be 24 first, remember Im the oldest. A final message? Alright, I think Ive got one to fill in the below line spot, Keep hold of the friends you trust in, possessions are nothing, You think youre better than others? Youre not.
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2002-07-29 13:16:57] (Date/Time posted on