If Life was a drug...
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Saturday, 13th January 2007 @ 07:04:12 PM in AEST
If Life was a drug... I'd be high all the time It would be illegal to be alive in the wrong place at the wrong time If you were caught the punishment would be death If Life was a drug there would be nothing left
If Life was a drug... The judge and the jury would execute themselves Your friends all accessories All junkies of good health
If Life was a drug... Id kill for one more day The life of another the price that we pay With every tragic death there would be more life for me
If Life was a drug... All the mobsters would be doctors They would even cure cancer for a few extra dollars If Life was a drug they would still kill for power
If Life was a drug... China would be the Columbian cocaine trade By the time they reached America they would be less Chinese and most a mix of everything else
If Life was a drug... Celebritites would excuse themselves to treatment Come out a few days later and claimed to have kicked it
If Life was a drug... We would live everyday but not too much because drugs make you crazy Vampires would be conservatives living only from time to time If Life was a drug the fear of death would be met with cold sweats
If Life was a drug... We would be our own suppliers There would be no more drunks cause life gets you higher Xmas and Bdays would bring ticks to your timer The dice game is full of hopeful old timers If Life was a drug when grandma gets old she'll push shopping carts and sleep in the road
If Life was a drug... We all would retire Working for what a drug makes you tired? We would sit on the shelf some lower some higher Vacumed and sealed waiting to expire If Life was a drug the rich would be spam cause nothing lasts longer than meat in a can
If Life was a drug... Motivational speakers would all be junkies Monks and Nuns would use only as needed If life was a drug we would all still be monkeys No need to evolve a bigger brain Just more there to fry in the fast lane
If Life was a drug... Id live for the munchies Id use for days without ever sleeping Id use it all up to stop all the tweaking Id swear it off until I came down to start eating Id sleep it all off and awake for the beating Before my brain told my timer its time to stop beating
This is the end, if you enjoyed it heres the inspiration: If Life was a drug... Every second of every single day that went be without it would be like dying You would be dead without it and if life was a drug every second alive would be in fear of the last moment The last day, last hit of a second, a breath, a beating heart, times up, your dead Wake up you can rest now, life doesnt control you anymore, its over, you control life now Youre a monkey, a nun, a monk, you enjoy life now but something changed, you respect it Life is a drug it makes you happy and sad, uppers and downers and alot of in betweeners, if you know what I mean All rolled into one fantastic drug complete with with hippies and screamers, relaxers and dreamers oooh thats a combo You control how long this drug lasts and how high you can get You choose to trade seconds, minutes, hours for other things that please you at the moment You cease that moment with every action good or bad, always in the eye of the committer, or committed, convicted, whatever A drug never lasts long in a life, you can be high all the time, or be high for life Do those moments begin to measure up and compare to the length of a life If the average age of death was 20, would you start drinking at 5, 10, not at all? How about 10, you cant do much in 10 years, but consider what can be achieved in 40 You can get married, start a family, a business, even a family business, send kids to college, see the world, you couldnt do all that in 10 years Multiply 10 by 7, the average life expectancy about 70, is that really so long, how much do we waste for all the moments of fun, you can only live once so hopefully its right the first time every line every toke every smoke every drink maybe we should at least stop and think, about this new drug call LIFE and how much we are wasting, while others near death, all the choices theyre facing Be with my family, have another drink, add to my life being cut short with a cig What would a monkey do? He would fling some poop, eat a banana, and die happy knowing he lived life swinging from every tree that his life allowed because his brain wasnt capable of making or using life altering drugs that speed up the natural process of life turning to death Wow now whos smarter, the Geico caveman doesnt need life insurance because he was in perfect health, sure he dies sooner but he lived in a cave and ate raw meat, but he made the most of his drug, he invented a wheel, discovered fire, what would we be now if they had the drugs we had, we would be chilling in a cave drinking fermented moose ***** and smoking some moss from a tree If all the time, money, and effort that is spent on drugs was spent on something else we could literally re invent the wheel And wow we llive to be 100 every day, why because medical advancements have allowed us to prolong the lives of those who treat it correctly, responsible users, give them some credit, old people are crabby because we treat them like second class citizens and talk to them like babies, they often eat mush and you know they arent getting any what about the average life expectancy, is it so low because others choose to end life sooner, that may be their choice or the bad choice of another that ended the high and sent them below All I know is that I could cure millions of cancer patients before they showed symptoms, stop smoking, chewing and drinking Your lungs, mouth and liver will age naturally, along with modern medicine you can live as long as you want!
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2007-01-13 19:04:12] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: If Life was a drug...
(User Rating: 1 ) by shelby on
Sunday, 14th January 2007 @ 12:01:40 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
I very different perspective on the subject.
I did like parts of it and other parts of it I would not say I did not like I just did not agree with the content, that is just me though.
It also was way to long, I have found many wont continue reading something when it gets to be this size. Next one maybe make it a two parter or something.