Token of Thanks
Contributed by
Saturday, 10th February 2007 @ 10:41:37 PM in AEST
A li'l token of Thanks, for everything you did, And through all my Dark Moments, the Candles you had lit
Thanks for climbing... the very Huge Walls, When you did not know, how to even crawl...
Thanks for Showering the Barren Deserts of my Dreams, ...With the Sea of Support, or now, this way it seems...
And Thanks very much, for stealing away my Pains, As you washed with your tears, All my Life's Stains...
How can I Thank you? for all those Lovely Smiles, And how you guided me, Through Life's Risky Aisles...
Thanks for carrying... the burden of my Past, And for the eternal supply of joys; which in your presence could only last!
You stole my Loneliness, and also my Fears, Enriched me with Warmth, over those Heavenly Years...
You bridged the gap; between my heart and brain... Invaded my Soul, residing in every artery...every vein!
YET...I hate you so much, and I loathe you too, For always being there, for always being so True!
Why were you so mean... for being so very kind...? Why did you... Oh well...NEVER mind!
BUT...I shall never forgive you, for robbing me of my Tears, They were my only Companions, In your Absence,in times of Fears.
And Thanks for keeping silent, as now you depart... How all of a sudden... did we grow so Apart?
"Can't you linger any longer... or JUST for the day...?" "Like Spring,my dear all good things don't Stay...!"
Well...all I can say but Thanks, for I've got nothing else to give... Seeing you suffer because me, is a Crime I can never forgive...
Finally...Thanks for extinguishing away; the Candles you'd once Lit, And Thanks for returning Back; my Beloved Tears with IT...
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2007-02-10 22:41:37] (Date/Time posted on
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