As i watch you sleep,, I wonder what your dreaming of,, dreaming of the time when we first met,, hatered towards me?,, didn't want me around,,,
As you sleep,, I wonder what your dreaming of,, I remember when you didn'twant me here,,, to have me leave here,, but still i watch you sleep,,,
as you sleep,, time has changed us,, one embrace changed everything,, love was their,, you wanted me even more,,still dreaming,,
As you sleep,, I hold you close,, remembering when i said,, I love you, for the first time,, and then i asked you to marry me,, still you dream,,
time has changed our lives,, captured in dreams as one,, holding you for the first time, i'm telling you that i love you,, more today than yesterday,,
still dreaing,, a smile comes across your face,, your eye's open gently,, as you say i love you even more than today,, for there were dreams of yesterday,, but today is our dream,, as one forever,,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-02-25 01:40:00] (Date/Time posted on