This is bloody psycho!
Contributed by
Wednesday, 26th February 2003 @ 10:00:00 PM in AEST
The world seems more bearable these days, I walk around, no thoughts...worries...no darn feelings for things long since passed.
This is it...nothing happened and wotever did...meant nothing.
Finished, i feel nothing... Stalker :P~~~ I mean it. I want nothing, just do what you're doing Continue avoiding me. It's helping, There's a lot of nasty things I would previously said to this but... I'm growing up and this seems like the best course of action on your part.
I'm glad...it's a bit extreme but Working nonetheless. I feel free-er...more my old bubbly self again Yeah that excitable side still there...it's probably gotten worse then ever now
*lol* Happier...no more stoopid jelly brains,
I've discovered that the human heart is replacable. Most of my remaining friends are happy...as it should be. I'm happy seeing them happy. Happiness... that I may one day want myself but... Another time and place i guess Now's not a good time for whimsical little fantasies hey?
I've found a new focus...work work work! Things are moving along well. Thanks for helping
*dances* :))
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2003-02-26 22:00:00] (Date/Time posted on
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