''Merciful to All''
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Friday, 15th June 2007 @ 09:19:44 AM in AEST
I watched a tv show today It was a show about gays
Lesbians & Homosexuals going on trips to the Bahamas and walking down wedding aisles Not much learning done in churches
Christians claim gays have no morals Yet their not so Christ like behavior wouldn't make for good angels There needn't be so much anger
How about walking a good walk and not just talking a good talk
And getting to know our Lord God Jesus Christ. He might not be keeping score For he paid the mighty price for all our sins to be washed away May all ye Christians have more faith in Heavenly Father's amazing grace
Jesus said "Judge not lest ye be judged" And "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Probably with many a sin we're all smudged But of course only our 3'n'1 God knows
For it really isn't any of our right to say about people straight or for that matter gay
Now I've something to say to you all gays
There shouldn't be so many petitions But let us all just practice good religion I mean there ought be practices of equal & fair advantages for all of us that would be a plus
I sincerely hope I've not offended anyone If so I'm most sincerely sorry Not my wish to put anyone "under the gun" but that many enter into God's abbey
In his glorious Heaven above where there's an over abundance of Love
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2007-06-15 09:19:44] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: ''Merciful to All''
(User Rating: 1 ) by a7x36 on
Monday, 18th June 2007 @ 05:22:21 PM AEST (User
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"In his glorious Heaven above
where there's an over abundance of Love"
That's God in a nutshell. I liked the poem and the message. I also like "our 3'n'1 God." I never thought of it that way before.