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Saturday, 1st March 2003 @ 02:30:00 PM in AEST
Tiny little fingers and tiny little toes I am a new born baby, life is grand they say My parents, well they both work all day Empty life, why? now that only heaven knows!
Tiny little fingers and tiny little toes One year old today, only day care seems to know
Remember my tiny little fingers? Even my tiny little toes Two years old now, and what do I know Helen at day care, I think she is my mum I know she is there, she makes my each day fun Now who do you think is me dad?, Ken the yardsman, at least to see me he is glad!!
Little fingers are now growing I see slightly bigger... little toes Five years old I am today, to preschool I now go Education is what I need, least that is what they say So I have a new "mum?" lets call her... Aunty teacher Fay!!
Little fingers and little toes I started second school today Teacher is a grumpy old so and so Tell her to shove it anyway Let me back on the streets to have a bit more fun Ed-duu-muck-kate someone else, I don't need to be like mum
Terrible lifting fingers and filthy little toes Rebelling against everything is the way it goes Evenings on the streets, with me bestest mates Against the law, up you too, is the road we take So lock me up, do your worst, who are you anyway?... Uncle Jim? mum and dad?, that is who you say Retiring early, due to wealth, made working all these years Eventually tho, you really are... just... Strangers... who only brought your child... tears...
This was all written in about 15 minutes, so it is a little rough round the edges. It is in reply to something that I heard on the radio one day that disgusted me, and that was that in working families, where both parents work, the parents spend more time checking their email, than playing with their children each day!! This is also an Acrostic poem with a message made up from the first letters of each line.
Mick Puttock
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2003-03-01 14:30:00] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Valerie_Pearson on
Saturday, 1st March 2003 @ 04:19:25 PM AEST (User
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Wow! Mick, quite a message here, so many grow up that way to, I'm glad I had the gift of raising mine at home since birth, I wouldn't want to miss out on that, shame so many parents do miss out, thanks for sharing this one |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Ilhar on
Saturday, 1st March 2003 @ 05:43:04 PM AEST (User
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Very good message. Our children need their parents with them. I am glad you reposted it. This is a message that needs to be heard again and again.
Sharon |
(User Rating: 1 ) by LovingWhispers on
Saturday, 1st March 2003 @ 06:04:25 PM AEST (User
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While I can understand some parents having no choice but to work,still time must be taken to be with your kids.I am a mum of 5 and I have been fortunate enough to have always been there.I am here when they leave for school and here also when they return.I kiss them goodnight and put them to bed and it is myself who has done paintings and crafts with them.They know exactly who "mum" is.,....Great write Mick..Hopefully one of those parents reads this and realises before its too late for some lil soul :) |
(User Rating: 1 ) by DreamWeaver on
Saturday, 1st March 2003 @ 09:05:07 PM AEST (User
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Sad, but true ... there must be many out there. I love the way you wrote this, each verse with the child getting older until they end up on the streets ... and I liked the hidden surprise at the end.... Great write... Jan
(User Rating: 1 ) by LOWMAN613 on
Sunday, 2nd March 2003 @ 10:45:48 AM AEST (User
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As an old day care teacher I understand this write, so much enjoyed reading it because its so true!
Alot of us teachers raised their kids more than them at times!
Children are only young once in life so lets cherish them!Christina |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_Kalicharan on
Tuesday, 4th March 2003 @ 01:13:06 AM AEST (User
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Great write, Mick...I have to say it was well.thought-out, even if as you say, it was done in fifteen minutes... Very important message...
Jen |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Cynthia on
Wednesday, 12th March 2003 @ 10:17:57 PM AEST (User
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"TIME TO RETHINK LIFES LITTLE TREASURES" very good message brought out in this poem Mick. I can't believe people are like this. It makes me angry to think that parents care about their own lives and not the little innocent lives they brought nito this world. It makes me sad. Mine are growing up way too quick for me. I wish they could stay babies forever. Thanx for putting this on the site. Take care. *S* Cynthia |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Cynthia on
Wednesday, 12th March 2003 @ 10:18:44 PM AEST (User
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"TIME TO RETHINK LIFES LITTLE TREASURES" very good message brought out in this poem Mick. I can't believe people are like this. It makes me angry to think that parents care about their own lives and not the little innocent lives they brought into this world. It makes me sad. Mine are growing up way too quick for me. I wish they could stay babies forever. Thanx for putting this on the site. Take care. *S* Cynthia |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Cynthia on
Wednesday, 12th March 2003 @ 10:18:50 PM AEST (User
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"TIME TO RETHINK LIFES LITTLE TREASURES" very good message brought out in this poem Mick. I can't believe people are like this. It makes me angry to think that parents care about their own lives and not the little innocent lives they brought into this world. It makes me sad. Mine are growing up way too quick for me. I wish they could stay babies forever. Thanx for putting this on the site. Take care. *S* Cynthia |
(User Rating: 1 ) by ladyfawn on
Sunday, 13th April 2003 @ 09:41:20 PM AEST (User
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awwww... so sad, im happy i have always been with mine, until one left two years ago, and reading this makes me happy im a stay at home mom, this is very special, thanks for sharing... hugs to you n' your kids:) nessa |
(User Rating: 1 ) by venkat on
Saturday, 6th December 2003 @ 06:52:21 AM AEST (User
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Wow..it is a master pice..so beautifully written. sweet and lovely..how delightful is your poetry is..Oh, Mick, I really missed you,
sorry my dearest poet..:)
venkat |
(User Rating: 1 ) by EternitysLyre on
Tuesday, 16th December 2003 @ 08:51:25 AM AEST (User
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I like the acrostic message. It's a witty exhibition worthy of your 15 minutes, though I suspect you can write fantastic poems in less if the time is right.
As for the message itself, it endears to all parents out there, and I know of enough examples of neglect that I advocate the spreading of these words.
And no, this poem is not going to be torn apart. It's too good for that. |
(User Rating: 1 ) by inoc on
Friday, 24th September 2004 @ 06:17:16 AM AEST (User
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I have a little boy and I work....
This poem makes me appreciate every moment I have with him....
time goes so quickly...it's nearly October already and he'll be at school next year--
thanks for showing us this much needed write!!
cheers! |