Jus D'Amour
Contributed by
Monday, 3rd March 2003 @ 04:30:00 AM in AEST
Jus D'Amour..... Vos yeux contemplent la beaut d'un millier d'toile nuits embrasses. ...and si vous coucheriez nu dans mon souffle pour mais un moment. ..our mes pourraient toucher et pourraient colorer notre peau. ..leaving une belle brume de rves d'arc-en-ciel Tenir mes yeux avec votre bouche comme vous embrassez le longing dans.. O vous trouveriez le savoir que je mourrait un millier de morts, mais une fois avoir votre danse de chuchotements sur mes oreilles .. M'aimer comme aucun autre avant de et vous tiendrez mon me jamais. ..whereupon je m'agenouillerais avant de votre trs essence comme si vous tiez un temple de dsir. ...Unquenchable....always envie avoire de vous plus, .. M'embrasser maintenant et la boisson du jus qui si intoxicates mes sens. ...Feel me coule et coule vos veines. .....Share avec moi. ....the jus d'amour
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Juice Of Love....
Your eyes behold the beauty of a thousand star kissed nights....and if you would lie naked within my breath for but a moment...our souls could touch and colour our skin...leaving a beautiful mist of rainbow dreams Hold my eyes with your mouth as you kiss the longing within..Where you would find the knowing that I would die a thousand deaths, to but once, have your whispers dance upon my ears ..Love me as no other before and you will hold my soul forever...whereupon I would kneel before your very essence as though you were a temple of desire....Unquenchable....always craving you more, ..Kiss me now and drink of the juice that so intoxicates my senses....Feel me flow and course your veins......Share with me.....the juice of love
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2003-03-03 04:30:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Jus D'Amour
(User Rating: 1 ) by ladyfawn on
Monday, 3rd March 2003 @ 07:52:55 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
ohhhhh beautiful..... ahh to have our 'love's whispers dance upon our ears'....*sighs* *pouts a little* *smiles* |
Re: Jus D'Amour
(User Rating: 1 ) by gina on
Monday, 3rd March 2003 @ 08:22:51 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
i loved la facon d'introduire des mots anglais..i liked the french one mieux , i always think french est plus romantic :)
Re: Jus D'Amour
(User Rating: 1 ) by wolfflow on
Monday, 3rd March 2003 @ 05:05:33 PM AEST (User
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lol, no, i did'nt go swimming in this one |