For my family who i miss alot, each in their way
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Wednesday, 26th September 2007 @ 09:52:51 PM in AEST
for my family that has gone on before me, i want you to know that though i didnt say it everyday, i loved you so im sorry for all the hurt and pains, we may have caused one another and my life is not the same without you, my dear father, mother, and loving brother there have been so many times, that i needed you much just to hear your voice, and feel your touch for you my dear father, i want you to know how much, i still love you so for loving me despite the rumors, dna wise i belonged to another man you loved me from the beginning, and it was with love, you took that stand a better father in this life, i could not of asked for a wonderful example of man, my brothers couldnt ignore despite the seperation between you, and moma you were always there for me and as a young girl growing up, that presence you had has helped me see what kind of man, i want my own son to be that no matter how a relationship, may or may not work out in the end whats best for the kids, is what its all about you will forever be missed, and loved by me and my dear mother, i just want you to know that inside i have let my anger, and frustrations go i know you were the best mother, at the time you knew how to be and i know now, that deep down you really loved me i know you wanted me, to be able to have the strength, to stand on my own and not live the life, that you had to live, when i became grown i want you to know, that i can now better understand, decisions you made for me because at the time, i was just to young to see i find that i do have a lot of fond memories, of all the laughter we shared an now i can better appreciate, the little ways you showed you cared this is to say, that i hope that you let yourself, off the hook of the past and know now, that you can be free atlast motherhood didnt come with instructions, or a blueprint as a guide we just have to pray, and hope that some good comes, of what we will decide you did the best, you knew to do and i just want you to know, that in my own way, i always loved you but i do hope, this one thing at least and that is that you, finally find some peace and my sweet loving brother, mere words could never express what i want to say you are missed in such a big big way i think of all the many ways, you stood by my side, and encouraged me of hope your wonderful spirit, and love is what helped me cope i miss you just showing up, out of the blue apart of me, is so lost without you and i want you to know, that i took care of you son, as best i could as you my dear brother, knew i would i know that you are now free, of all the nonsense, the life offered you i know God called you, because it was time to and I thank him, for the short time, he blessed us with you i love you daryle, and i pray you always know, i take your love with me where ever i go i have peace in me that i havent had in a while and it is with much love that i write this with a smile you all are missed and loved
this poem is dedicated to my mother, father and my brother who died too soon. i miss them all and i love them beyond words no matter the relationship good or bad, they are my family and now they are gone. the love we feel for our family doesnt die as long as we keep them alive in our hearts they will always be close
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2007-09-26 21:52:51] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: For my family who i miss alot, each in their way
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Thursday, 27th September 2007 @ 02:34:57 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
This is very sad but well written.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Both my parents are deceased but they didn't die close together.
You are very strong to have survived thru this.
They are your guardian angels, I'm sure.
They have to be smiling down on you and are very proud of you.
big huggs, luv,
emy |