God rested that day.
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Friday, 26th October 2007 @ 10:06:47 PM in AEST
Chapter 1: The dark quiet chaotic colossal expanse
Most scientists and scholarly philosophers speculate that the universe began in what has come to be known as the Big Bang. However, there is another more realistic version of the creation of the earth and the universe. Though the Big Bang theory does contain some important truths; it overlooks the idea of the existence of an all-powerful being at work in the mist of the dark colossal expanse.
The suggested Big Bang was not really an "explosion" in the sense that we understand it. The Big Bang heard across the dark quiet colossal expanse was actually the emergence of the spoken word of God. Many uncertain years ago, the almighty Spirit of God forcefully emerged out of the dark, shapeless void of the unformed infant universe. God decided to take an embryonic mass of cold brown dirt and breath life into it. This would be the greatest creation God would ever make.
He had created the majestic angels and decorated the boundaries of heaven with the presence of His throne. This time he would do more of the same. God purposely intended to design His magnificent creation as a representation of heaven, itself. As the almighty God peered across the dark quiet chaotic colossal expanse, He suddenly spoke. The sound waves vibrated across the no longer quiet expanse.
These sound waves became the first words ever spoken as they loudly thundered across the expanse. The words, Let there be light, raced through the galaxy with tremendous speed. They were spoken with a purpose by a creative God. Immediately after God spoke, bright light came into existence. The whitish light conquered the cold forbidden darkness. Then God rested that day.
Chapter 2:The second millennium day
In the beginning, the quiet chaotic universe was infinitely dense and unimaginably barren. God had previously formed the matter in the expanse as well as space and time itself. During this particular era, time did not exist until God called it into existence with the pronouncement of His demand, Let there be. and the intended result and it was so.
Nor was time and existence measured by the means we have become accustom to in this present era. It was measure in God-time for God was the only significant being in existence. The Holy Scripture states that one day with God is like a thousand years and a thousand years is one day.
On the second millennium day of the infant existence of the divinely devised expanse, God made the sky to be a beautifully crafted masterpiece. The human race has continually speculated about the origin of the universe and no doubt before the invention of the telescope, we could only glimpse at a minute portion of the masterpieces God placed in the sky.
Our majestic and powerful Creator of our solar system, as well as the entire universe, placed His showpiece up high for all to see. He positioned the unpolished lifeless earth beneath it. The earth would soon become a heavenly biosphere created to house the rest of his masterpieces. When he was done, God rested that day.
Chapter 3: Across the newly formed childlike biosphere
However, one invariable ideology prophesies that the Big Bang of our universe was part of a deliberately initiated chain reaction of events. These events or supernatural occurrences spawned the birth of a lifeless barren sphere in the mist of the quiet chaotic universe. According to this scenario, our presently lush, polluted biosphere was a simple starting point of a huge, infinitely growing divine purpose.
Therefore, on the third day, God took hold of the unpolluted but desolate dry land and dynamically brought it out of the clear, blue water. Again, God uses the ability, strength and power of His mighty Word to eminently transform the barren biosphere into a livable environment. What God had in mind would be something no other god could ever recreate. He christened the dry land earth and the clear blue water He denominated as the sea.
As God lovely commanded the earth, the now fertile dark brown soil brought forth a kaleidoscope of fresh fragrant flowers. Automatically, lush healthy green grass and abundant fruit trees grew on the blue grass covered hills. As the invisible breeze rush swiftly and silently across the newly formed childlike biosphere, God looked at all that was done. He was pleased. Then God rested that day.
Chapter 4: Gods righteous spirit moved over the biosphere designated as earth.
Our scientific achievements misrepresent the way space, time, and matter behaved in the formation of and the measurement of the age of our biosphere. Early the next millennium morning, Gods righteous spirit moved across the face of the productively succulent maturing earth.
The blossoming underbrush was naturally aggressively unfolding on this now fruitful young biosphere floating in the ordered expansion of time and space. The green underbrush formed the highly energetic soup of colors that now carpeted the biosphere designated planet earth.
God called forth the various seasons. He identifies the days and years.
With His commanding almighty Word, He placed the blazing yellow sun star and reflective moon biosphere high up in the heavens to reign over the earth. God proclaimed, The sun shall rule in the daytime and the moon shall rule by night. When it was all said and done, God rested that day.
Chapter 5: The preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator
The upstanding scientists and distinguished philosophers will instruct you that nothing whatsoever can be or has been proven with one hundred percent certainty. Some even disregards the very existence of this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator. Nevertheless, I know without a doubt that I exist because of the exclusively controlling credible spoken Word of God.
On the fifth millennium day, the clear blue waters all over the round biosphere began to swirl as every species of robust pubescent fish appeared from everywhere. The involvement of God in the development of life on this revolving blue biosphere is not speculation, hypothesis, theory, or principle. His deliberate intricate connection is scientific fact.
Abruptly, a prismatic blanket of different species of brightly colored birds appeared in the cloudless blue sky. Now in the use of the term fact, the only proper fact in evolution is as time progressed the robust pubescent fish evolved into great majestic whales and every kind of sea animal of the deep blue sea. The greatest evidence in favor of this highly disputed opinion is a voluminous, diverse, and convincing presentation of the story of creation in the Holy Scripture.
Immeasurable and consistent is the evidence of the involvement of this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator in the highly disputed opinion of evolution. If anyone could positively disprove his omnipotent involvement, I would continue to be of the misconception that God created everything just as it is.
Nevertheless, in order not to shake my conviction that He really does exist, this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator of the orderliness of the then infantile universal expanse, joyously blessed the prismatic blanket of different species of brightly colored birds. The Divine creator of the orderliness joyously blessed the great majestic whales and every kind of sea animal of the deep blue sea. This preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator smiled and sent them on their way to fill the waters and the sky. Then God rested that day.
Chapter 6: The literally perfectly created embryonic mass of God-like moving earth
Out of the muddy brown fresh earth, Gods Word brought forth all the variations of the worlds wildlife to occupy the dense green foliage and the flowing rainforest. God created each individual species with certain similar characteristics, like strong legs, and keen eyesight. He also gave to each unique characteristic that enabled them to camouflage themselves under the safety of the bountiful green rainforest.
Then God and His Counsel came down to the fruitfully abundant revolving infantile biosphere designated planet earth and took a small fertile portion of it. With this fertile earthly portion, God molded man and impregnated him with the same literally perfect traits that existed inside of this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator. These traits instilled in the feeble embryonic mass of lifeless earth the ability to be different from the rest of Gods infantile creation.
Moreover, this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator shaped man in His very image. Therefore, the infantile feeble embryonic mass of lifeless earth can pass these traits on to their offspring who can enjoy the same advantages of being God-like.
Then, God breathes the resuscitating refreshing Breath of Life into the infantile feeble embryonic mass of lifeless earthman. When it was all said and done, God richly blessed His most prized creation by giving him complete dominion and absolute control over everything God ever made and ever would make. Then God rested that day. Chapter 7: God rested that day.
The immensely precisely arranged endeavor was at last was complete. This was the seventh millennium day as the slowly revolving blue biosphere orbited around the brightly shining sun star.
Each individual species was deliberately designed to be able to pass their diversely identifying character traits on to their offspring. Their equally divine offspring would enjoy the same abundant advantages.
As the surrounding environment gradually changed, God had designed for new characteristics that proved to be more advantageous than old ones to be replicated in each emerging generation.
Then, God looked over what He had accomplished.
Heaven was so beautiful with the infinitely glistening stars twinkling brightly in the dark night sky. However, nothing could compare to the animated, authoritatively brilliant, perfected energetic earthman He had made. In him, this preeminent sovereign omnipresent Divine creator was pleased. He forcefully announced, Holy is this day. Then God rested that day.
Written Before Time By GOD
Copyright 2007 Pastor Reginald Levi Walker
All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker. (additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23) Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs. 23 stands for the 23rd Psalms. P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'
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2007-10-26 22:06:47] (Date/Time posted on
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