My Prayer for Samhain Night
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Thursday, 1st November 2007 @ 01:30:18 PM in AEST
Holiday Poetry
On a night, like this, where the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest, I know, I pray for those who have passed on, and those who have not; I pray for strength from the good Lady Moon/Earth, the Mother Goddess. I pray that She and Her lord will love me despite any misgivings, any sinful mistakes I may make. I surrender myself to the all-knowing Goddess. And my heart dances, dances to the beat of the living Earth. I can hear its resonant ever-sounding living hum. I hear the bugs, I hear the birds, I hear the whispering of the wind in the autumn-kissed leaves of the trees. Some leaves fall, but are renewed once Spring comes, When the Vernal Equinox is at hand. But for this night, I feel, I see, I understand, I know the Goddesss plan for all of her children, living and dead. And I take comfort in knowing that the dead are not gone, but are sleeping among the starry nebulas of the heavens, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe that She wants what I want, She wants what everyone wants For both the World and themselves. She feels, She sees, She understands, She knows what happens on both sides of the veil. And I am not scared, I look to Her and Her lord Without fear, I face the night without fear, And I face Life without fear, For I know that Shes always there beside me, Carrying my brave heart in Her loving hands. She has a lot of responsibility over the Universe, but She does it without complaint Because She loves us. So, on this night of new hope, I pray to Her I pray for all She stands for And I thank Her for helping me thus far in my life, that I may Continue to go on without fear of loss, without fear of danger, without fear of fear. I thank Her. I thank Her three times over as I kiss the symbol round my neck. Once: I thank You, Mother Earth Twice: I love You, Mother Earth Thrice over: Blessed be the all-knowing, all-seeing ancients of this Universe And I know that I am blessed to be living under Her care. Hence, I say, Thank You, Wise Mother, I am under Your care and I trust Youre always there. Lord and Lady, hear my prayer, echoing into the air. Lord and Lady, please hear me, As You will it, Blessed Be.
I love Them. They love me. So, take comfort, my Pagan friends, She hears you.
Blessed Be This Samhain Night. And Blessed Be The Mother.
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
And I say again, BLESSED BE!
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2007-11-01 13:30:18] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: My Prayer for Samhain Night
(User Rating: 1 ) by shelby on
Thursday, 1st November 2007 @ 01:43:22 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Pretty write, it leaves the reader with a great sense of being, calm and enpowerment.
There isn't one part I can pick to be a favorite, it all blends into something intense and beautiful
Michelle |
Re: My Prayer for Samhain Night
(User Rating: 1 ) by law_glen18 on
Thursday, 1st November 2007 @ 06:19:39 PM AEST (User
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i agree with michelle, the poem is beautiful. I'm wiccan also and this is top shelf material. a wonderful interpretation of the most known equinox
Re: My Prayer for Samhain Night
(User Rating: 1 ) by deadheadpoet on
Thursday, 1st November 2007 @ 10:40:44 PM AEST (User
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Good write. Very beautiful in it's dedication to Mother Earth....indeed the Goddess of All. Thanks for sharing.
Laura |