sometimes its hard to explain,, why we must do the things that we do,, sometimes its expected,, sometimes its what we want,, but to do it,, without cause,, without reason,, without fault,, still it remains,, why,,
why do the stars stay in space,, why do the clouds move faster than the earth,, why do we love,, the biggest question ever,, the stars stay in space because , thats its purpose,, the clouds move faster,, because it would flood the earth,, the reason we love ,, is because its nature,, to feel,, to embrace,, to share lifetimes,, why,,
I'm one who asked the question befor,, reason that i didnt want to understand,, because of hurt,, rejection,, but when you find it, you don't want to lose it,, why,, is it the feeling that it give,, the part that is filled inside,, the joy of being wanted,, you just do,, without reason,, without questions,, without rejection,, you just do,,
we can ask the same question over,, and over again,, but the answer is that you feel more than,, you should,, even to your mate,, there more important in life, to you, than you realize,, we except the reason why,, and never quesion it,, for its part of who we are,,
why does the stars stay in space,,who cares,, why does the clouds move faster,,who cares,, why do we love like we do,,I care,, thats who i am,, it matters to me the why's,, the love, the careng,, the hopes,,the reason of why,,
some know,,some dont,, some care,,some wont,, but in the long run,, they will wonder why,, then they will ask questions,, but who will give them the answer?,, something they have to learn,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-03-07 09:00:00] (Date/Time posted on