Sweet dreams little one,, as your eye's fall slowly closed,, dream of dreams that only children dreams,, candy,,toys,, happy families,,
sweet dreams little one,, as your prayers are answered,, God listens to little ones,, whom hearts are pure,,
sweet dreams little one,, daddy love you so much,, holding your teddy bear so close,, tears run from my eye's,,
sweet dreams little one,, as the night is close,, nothing to hurt you,, as daddy is by your side,,
gentle dreams you shall have,, for our GOD is with you,, hold on to him,, as tight as you can,,
teddy bears cant scare away,, the boogie man,, but our father can,, believe in him,, and he will be with you,,
sweeth dreams little one,, pleasent dreams,, daddy is with you,, and our God and his angels are too,,
dream of butterflies,, candy,,fields of toys,, as a child should,, dream a dream,, if you please,, for me and mommy,,
sweet dreams my precious little one,, daddy and mommy loves you dearly,,
craig s, meeks
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2003-03-09 04:40:00] (Date/Time posted on