Yet Again
Contributed by
Saturday, 26th January 2008 @ 04:33:24 AM in AEST
So you're leaving yet again, so what's new this comes as no surprise coming from you you've done it before not once, twice, three, times but FOUR each pregnacy, each labor pain, each hospital visit you were not there I even had to threaten you with child support to put your signature on that birth certificate what a commitment you are my husband aren't you I mean you did sign that dotted line willingly I didn't force you yet again you leave me at such a delicate stage only to return when things don't seem to go your way or when you're broke should I say well not this time mister oh no not today with my four kids promise you I'll still be okay no more crying I have bills to pay they are babies now but they do grow up one day it is then that I will reep the benefits for my dedication sorry we've been your complication but you know even through the pain it's nothing new so goodbye yet again......
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2008-01-26 04:33:24] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Yet Again
(User Rating: 1 ) by Honey56 on
Saturday, 26th January 2008 @ 05:27:55 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
You go girl, you know what to do!!!
Deep thought!!
Nice write |
Re: Yet Again
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Saturday, 26th January 2008 @ 01:28:17 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Sad yet written really well.
I know what cha mean in this write. I live alone now and for the most part am very happy.
Hang tuff and keep the faith.
luv, huggs, prayer,
emy |