The Grim Reapers(Reepers)Hourglass Rock And Roll Past To Future#37
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Saturday, 9th February 2008 @ 07:59:28 AM in AEST
Hourglass#37 of The Grim Reapers(Reepers)Hourglass Rock And Roll Past To Future. Hourglass#36 Date&Time typed (2-04-2008)-(5:00PM) Ending. Hourglass#37 Date&Time wrote(2-05-2008)-(4:12AM) Starting Hourglass#37 Date&Time typed(2-08-2008)-(2:54PM) Starting The Reaper as may be called right skeletan index fingar ring worn wherever The Reaper may traval Also known as judge owe or receive decisions made by the slam of the petrified wood cain with skull and sickal breaks the surface of many waterways known as the(Gaval)-(Gavel)-(Gavil)-(Gavol)-(Gavul). The Reeper as may be called right skeleten index finger ring worn wherever The Reeper may travel Known as riches with indefinite forms of(Graval)-(Gravel)-(Gravil)-(Gravol)-(Gravul). The Repire as may be called right skeletin index fingir ring worn wherever The Repire may travil Indefinite countries of many form but as in the begining as in the end one flag will (Unraval)-(Unravel)-(Unravil)-(Unravol)-(Unravul). The Repor as may be called right skeleton index fingor ring worn wherever The Repor may travol Death is present and life is like diamonds from coal. The Repur as may be called right skeletun index fingur ring worn wherever The Repur may travul Energies of many owe or receive and there is no choice once taken from the (Keepar)-(Keeper)-(Keepir)-(Keepor)-(Keepur)to the (Takar)-(Taker)-(Takir)-(Takor)-(Takur) of the soul. The Repar as may be called right skeletan index fingar ring worn wherever The Repar may traval Fields of indefinite opportunity but in the end known as Lucifers,Satans,Devils RAIL. . . The Grim Reaper(Design of the right skeletan index fingar ring Made of gold and luxurious as the way Lucifers,Satans,Devils,songs also many forms of sings.) The Grim Reeper(Design of the right skeleten index finger ring As in Angel Of Light will appear in the shape of fire a five pointed flame two faceing the back towards the snakes one fac'ing the the front and two outward called HELLS WING.) The Grim Repire(Design of the right skeletin index fingir ring A diamond center in HELLS WING a cut with a mark of one to form indefinite countries but of one and the cut is only known to the king.) The Grim Repor(Design of the right skeleton index fingor ring Two horns beside each side of the diamond known as indefinite life as agreed will bring.) The Grim Repur(Design of the right skeletun index fingur ring Energies of many two lightning bolts with six ends at each end of each flame as HELLS FLING.) The Grim Repar(Design of the right skeletan index fingar ring Fields of indefinite opportunities all may be as one as indefinite countries as one in the end faroft hear HELLS DING.) Hourglass#37 Date&Time wrote (2-05-2008)-(10:35PM) Ending Hourglass#37 Date&Time typed (2-08-2008)-(3:52PM) The Grim (Reaper)-(Reeper)-(Repire)-(Repor)-(Repur)-(Repar)-HELLS-(Rebal)-(Rebel)-(Rebil)-(Rebul)-(Rebol). or HELLS REBAL(S).
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2008-02-09 07:59:28] (Date/Time posted on
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