Modern Day ARk
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Tuesday, 26th February 2008 @ 11:56:53 AM in AEST
God Said, Doc I'd like to ask a favor could you build me an ARK ? Doc started laughing and said, and just where would I park ? You don't see the big picture, so I guess I'd best explain. With building codes and those permits, to build a boat would be insane.
Act of Random Kindness is what the word ARK means today. Help someone across the street, open a door and don't forget to pray. Guess I could be a bad guy and send another flood. But I think that there is a better way to nip this in the bud.
If we lead by example, smile and say hello. Help a complete stranger someone that we don't know. One Act of Random Kindness, how hard can that be. If we succeed or if we fail, it's up to you and me.
I don't claim to be a saint and I'm a long way from perfection. All we need is a little help from God, to point us in the right direction. Now that I see the big picture, I will try hard to do my part. Listen be more friendly, yes open up my heart.
God loves all his children, this isn't about color, race or creed. It's about being a good friend or neighbor to someone who is in need. Just thought I'd take this moment my feelings to express. All it takes is just one deed or Act of Random Kindness.
Written February 3, 2008______by Wildecat
One Act of Randmon Kindness is all it takes___ so come on lets all do our part.
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2008-02-26 11:56:53] (Date/Time posted on
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