Why Do We Hate
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Thursday, 8th May 2008 @ 02:42:23 PM in AEST
To start I wlll quote a few verses of the Bible In Mark chapter 12 verses 28-31 Jesus is asked what the Two GREASTEST commandments were. Jesus responds: "The most important one," Jesus answered, "is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
Now I would like to emphasis that last part of the verse..."THERE IS NO COMMANDMENT GREATER THAN THESE". So the basis for this rant is my failing to understand why people who claim to be Christains choose to hate people such as but not limited to: Gay people, white people, black people, rich people, poor people, people with mental handicaps, people who are atheist, people who come legally into this country for a better life. The list goes on and on and on. Now people who are atheist I don't care as much go and hate I'm not saying I agree with your decscion namely because I according to the Bible and to what my heart even says is right I must "Love thy Neighbor". But Christains I don't care if your a frequnet church goer, random church goer, or Joel Osteen. If your a christain and you chose to hate then i feel sorry for your soul because your life's work is to busy polluting the world with your self-serving mind numbing prejudice that you can't take the time to smell the roses. To be honest if your out there and you hate anyone for the clothes they wear, for the way they look, the color of there skin, what church they go to what they belevie , then please understand what that attitude will get you...A lonely lifestyle(in the end) paranonia since you worried if those which you hate will be around you when you spit out your streotypes for which you've grown accustomed not mention --for you Christians out there-- a direct defiance of a commandment of God. Now let me get off the soap box/high horse for a minute Im not perfect I relize this I sin and have done things I've not proud broken commandments but when I see things is the Bible which state that the only greater then "Then loving thy neighbor" is "Loving God with all your heart" well I think I will pay attention to that one alittle. So why do we all feel the right to bash the gay culture, or fill our children's heads up with lies about certain groups of people. I know we all feel uneasy about a certain group of people, maybe set off by a past experince but, to hate a group of people without a single reason based on fact is really just ludacris. We all make pre-determined schemas about people this is waht makes us human but, hate thats a whole different ball field. Understand that I can say that I do dislike some people because of the way they choose to live their lifes and how they treat people but Im fine with whatever makes them able to go on with life however I don't hate any person. All i can do is tell you that I disagree and if you don't agree with me thn don't listen become shut out it's you choice not mine. But if you ever decide to hate someone please do me a favor and ask yourself "Why?" whats the point of it all. I mean even when some people are presented with evidence which conflicts with a person's streotype they still choose to believe it. I mean really even a dog knows the concept of trail and error. Hate will ge you no were in life thats a fact. A little compassion and understanding goes along way. We all need to develop the concept of forgiveness. I myself had to learn the hard way on how to forgive a individual. So take it from me and(for those who choose to believe in a God) God to forgive and forget because hate takes you no where.
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2008-05-08 14:42:23] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Why Do We Hate
(User Rating: 1 ) by Arijadna77 on
Thursday, 8th May 2008 @ 06:45:20 PM AEST (User
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This is very wide subject for discussion...And HATE is very strong word.We are different people,and we see it in a different way.I think you made your point,but with less word you could say more.Nice work,but needs improvement. Explain difference between Hate,and Don't like,hardness of those words,cause if we hate its one thing,and when we don't like something,we are able to tolerate it:)
Uh,i could talk about it for hours...but i don't want to be bored:)))
Anyway,you are on a good path with this,keep going! |
Re: Why Do We Hate
(User Rating: 1 ) by -Nik-91- on
Friday, 9th May 2008 @ 10:37:38 PM AEST (User
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hey im a christian
its not just christians who do stuff wrong why dont you try other coultures
cause i think its wrong what you just done
making it out all to be christians
im not one who says i hate someone for no reason but there normally is a reason why we hate some one and its not because of thier colour of where they are from thats what happend year years ago and every one hated people for no reason because of colour but that was way..... back then
we do not judge people like that now in this century
and there are way bigger subjects than HATE try murders abusers stealers etc etc....
try writting something about them
dont just blame one coulture for the mistakes it made so many years ago
thats not fair and its not right
P.S. hope you dont take it the wrong way
Re: Why Do We Hate
(User Rating: 1 ) by elle on
Friday, 16th May 2008 @ 07:58:04 AM AEST (User
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there remains a theory in some circles that lends the belief that all emotions, feelings, actions & accordingly results thereof stem from one of two levels of consiousness. . . these being one of love ( wherein all positive & desirable ideas manifest ) & the other being one of fear ( wherein all manner of deplorable & sufficient to be labeled undesirable exist.) how can we address our humanness other than to plead for awareness & constant interpretation from our source in hopes that we imitate Him in fullness of spirit & unending love. anything other is risking missing the mark ie.sin. peace my brother. elle |