Fave Pies
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Monday, 19th May 2008 @ 06:42:40 AM in AEST
Its not hard to tell that Im a big man But did you know I got this way on a special diet I must admit I didnt have this planned But whenever Im off of it I start a riot It all began when I was a little kid I saw my first cooking show on Showtime Man what I saw blew my mind I was writing down everything that they did You would think once I lost cable I would be upset But it got better once I saw my pies in a magazine You could have seen me I was craving them like a dope fein I couldnt wait to get older so I could take a taste test Finally Im at an age where I can eat whatever I want to eat And Im not talking about no damn meat My appetite can be cured my pies I grew up around chocolate so that wasnt my first I decided to give Buttermilk a chance Man just the look of it had me wet in my pants Oh man it had me picking up my pen ready to write Because I had to have it morning, noon, and night With that being said I cant leave out Ms Pecan Chilling with it was so much fun I pretty much ate all over the place It was like a boomerang I never had to chase For some strange reason it always follows me Once digested I was always happy At first I was afraid of a Sweet Potata pie Because it was just the opposite of sweet It was so bad it had me thinking about eating meat Its amazing what you will do while you are high Now I dont hesitate to give it a try Only if it is not dry Now Im down to three of my favorites These pies I will never forget I will start off with Chocolate Its kind of weird how we met Remember in the beginning I said that this was all I knew What all it contains Im still left without a clue It had me doing things that I never knew I would do again I was even showing it off to my family and friends I was craving it so bad that I was home before midnight So with my boys I continued too fight Because it had me turning down trips to the club Had me wondering could I be in love Not me because Im like Homer Simpson I love to eat You know me I have to have more than one sweet So now let me talk about this pie called Cherry I must admit to some it may seem a little scary But if you only knew how much time was put in it to make Then you would be like Tim thats the one But right now I think I want to just shake and bake Then again it has seen everything Ive won Speaking of that I save the best for last I dont mind eating this pie no matter place or time I take my time with it always slow never fast Because I try to satisfy my taste buds as well as my mind As I close I have to say I have pies all across the states I love eating what can walk off the plate I never eat with a fork Because that could be dangerous while eating in the dark Whenever I see an oven I know Im in the right place Call me Bozo the clown because I love a pie in my face
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2008-05-19 06:42:40] (Date/Time posted on
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