a thought on where we are
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Wednesday, 19th March 2003 @ 10:05:00 AM in AEST
A THOUGHT ON WHERE WE ARE (Our governments actions on our freedoms)
Insanity to the core Darkness and insipid chores My dead cat on the floor
An old man drinks at the corner As I catch a floating feather These days are getting better
Twisted thoughts flit thru the mind As I wander thru the daily grind Out here on societies shorn rind
I dare not lose my view Or deviate from my oath so true Must avoid hells flue
Comments I make and cant deny A part of me is still shy As my spirit still flys
The old one drinking starts to talk And those around him visibly balk And the ignorant start to mock
He tells of days gone by And of the things our parents tried The things for which they vied
He rambled on an on for some time Looking about as if one of us was going to shine And no longer toe the line
My mind whispered things to me That this man knew more than he professed to see And was talking with a hidden glee
He stopped suddenly and looked about Then started to shout Pointed at a man and screamed THE GOVERRNMENTS SNOUT!
A small man stared back incredulous In askance he said whets this! I am not the governments proboscis
But then with a grin on his face he said: now listen And as he spoke his brow glistened To home with you all he said or you will be listed
At that all the sheep true shuffled off like the sheep they be And he looked at me As I placed my back against a tree
I smiled at the little man bureaucrat Thinking to myself so this is a human rat I shall be my best cat
He stared at me hard as if his eyes were a threat And said loudly you dare to take my bet? His eyes shown fear when mine they met
The little man knew he had met a man that thought free And that could cause him to be chased up a tree One who would gather forces on the levee
The people tire of the governments actions I said to gage his reaction And belief in bureaucratic action
He said: enough will listen And the others will go to prison For we enter a new season
He started babbling at this point About our safety and governments might And how most wont miss their rights
He is a believer in power A sheepdog who shuns liberties flower Just talking to him makes me want to shower
So now I know I must choose; be a sheep or be free I choose freedom even if it means me hanging from a tree Come join me we will make a stand on the levee
If you hide you get what you deserve Only you can get up the nerve Stand up yell and be heard
And if you dont I wont hear you whine I will be hanging from that tree your lost freedoms sign As like a sheep with bowed head you dine
STR 3-17-03 10:41PM
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2003-03-19 10:05:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: a thought on where we are
(User Rating: 1 ) by LadyDama on
Wednesday, 19th March 2003 @ 01:42:22 PM AEST (User
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OH MY GOSH... i just remembered why you are one of my favorite poets here... this is absolutely AMAZING!!!... from the use of rhyme (i love the style with which you have written this poem) to the analogies of a rat and cat, to the meaning and ultimately the end result of standing free, even if it means hanging willingly from a tree... save a spot for me... i'm with you... this poem is truly a piece of art... awesome... blessings... |
Re: a thought on where we are
(User Rating: 1 ) by karoody on
Wednesday, 19th March 2003 @ 03:23:22 PM AEST (User
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wonderful! so powerful, brought tears to my eyes, thinking of the terror we witness. i am with lady d, save a place for me on that tree! |
Re: a thought on where we are
(User Rating: 1 ) by spaceotter on
Monday, 2nd June 2003 @ 08:19:39 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Beautiful write, you definetly have a way with words. You molded them like a potters clay in this piece. |
Re: a thought on where we are
(User Rating: 1 ) by Wrybod on
Friday, 20th June 2003 @ 02:12:14 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Well written a good update on western society today. Thinking is changing. politicians are beginning to listen.
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