Indefinite Pronouns and the Universe
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Friday, 23rd January 2009 @ 08:18:55 PM in AEST
He said; his arm flowing outward;
'The problem of the 21st Century is the Indefinite Pronoun.
We're all everyone and no one indefinite; pronoun, but not a noun the universal vagueness of time, meaning, and identity,
rather like the cloud of electrons flying around the nucleus of the atom there and not there; but capable of being anywhere or in two places at the same time; holding many beliefs constantly shifting, feeling fervently one thing and its opposites the next minute, being who am I this minute and not who I am the next minute; in a world changing fast speeding up and speeding up faster and faster indistinct shadowy flashing light spark racing by approaching and not approaching the speed of light.
There I'm me, us none of us;
we, I have said it both me?
The Indefinite Pronoun Defined
'Singular: another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other, somebody, someone, something
Plural: both, few, many, others, several
Singular or Plural: all, any, more, most, none, some'
Is this a bizarre definition or what? More bizarre, if this definition is literally true.
Modern Physics says this definition is literally true; an accurate description of us and the universe in which we live, things popping in and out of existence.
We live in this universe and most likely have to come to understand, like the indefinite pronoun, we too, as individuals and as collectives, pop in and out of existence. Not duality, but multiplicities. How else to explain how we can harbor contradictory beliefs sometime many many in a single day?
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2009-01-23 20:18:55] (Date/Time posted on