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Monday, 1st June 2009 @ 12:13:03 PM in AEST
Pivotal year, 1914, The likes of which we had never seen, Slaughter and mayhem on the World scene - A colossal jolt to human kind.
Apocalyptic page unfurled Played out as each society swirled Into a maelstrom all lives were hurled Peasant or Pauper, King or Queen confined.
The flames of war died as ashes remained, Man was crippled, bludgeoned, bloodstained, It seemed all life from him had drained - His essence, his psyche undermined.
Empires were erased, new countries born, Peace bloomed like a flower on a spring morn As hope rose in hearts terribly torn Were people realistic, or just blind?
Satan made sure the peace wouldnt last As he stirred up trouble as in the past; Sure enough, the die was cast - All heeded the dictates of his twisted mind.
Another World War ravaged the Earth, Lives were counted of little worth As barbaric acts Liberators did unearth - Under Nazi boots Jews they did grind.
More heinous weapons were put to use, So as to stop the brutal abuse Japan was warned with an atomic noose The treaty was duly signed.
The fifties gave us rock and roll, The swinging sixties, Beatles Rubber soul, And psychedelic seventies dress so droll - Music and drugs were intertwined.
As the century came to a close Terrorism grew and gained more foes, Technology only added to our woes - Innocents to graveyards were consigned.
Beliefs are selected like pick-and-mix, People choose what gives a quick fix, The Prince of Darkness is up to his tricks - Moral compasses become misaligned.
Families fractured, all looks grim, Ethics discarded at a whim, Society dances on a volcanic brim Listen, the death-knell of Humankind?
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2009-06-01 12:13:03] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Lele on
Monday, 1st June 2009 @ 06:47:15 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Eric Hobsbawn, great historian, says 20th century was the Slaugther Era - never many humans were killed inthe history, around 80 million, just in the WWI and WWII. I tought this poem shows how is the world nowadays,
I like the rythm, the rime, and, especially, the tone seem a little bit familiar like Drummond poems (unless, be more emotional).
Thanks for writing
Leandro Monteiro |