I thirst
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Friday, 31st July 2009 @ 09:15:56 PM in AEST
I thirst For something different Tired of the same old same old. So I go shopping or should I say searching On the shelves at home Nothing In the mega-mart Nothing In the thrift stores Nothing Then I find Yeats, Poe, Whitman, Hardy and Wilde Surly they will quiche my thirst So I read And take each one and place it in The juicer of my mind And start juicing Jack Lalanne style I squeeze and juice Juice and squeeze Till the rind no longer holds the flesh That makes the juice I take the cup Hold it Feel its heft Smell it aroma I drink long and deep. It taste like every other juice No more no different I thirst still
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2009-07-31 21:15:56] (Date/Time posted on
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