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Sunday, 27th September 2009 @ 12:59:29 PM in AEST
Yes. Hmm. Hello everyone. My name is Blank. Im psychotic.
You may have heard my name in standard testing. Or when someone forgets a name.
Or perhaps people wish to remain anonymous.
Well, yes. I am Blank. Im everywhere, yet nowhere.
Everywhere because everyone constantly uses me.
Yet nowhere because Im partial; Im never complete.
And, you know, its this feeling of not being complete that drives me completely insane.
So please. For the convenience of the sane, who in reality wont be sane, strap on.
Hah then. Lunacy. Defined as being insane. Deranged in the mind.
Having difficulty relating with society and its illusions.
Well yes, you see in reality there is nothing to see.
Youre actually CRAZY. Not in the good sense that you can have whatever you want.
But in the sense you THINK you can have whatever you want.
For you see, theres limitations to what you can think.
Therefore, by being insane you are no longer THINKING, but simply BEING.
And by simply BEING you can be just like me!
WEE! I see those colors. Those shapes. Those disgusting lies. Ugh.
Yum! The truth tastes SUH-WEET! Filling my body, from the core to the surface.
Hee; I practically RADIATE with truth.
Here, smell me, taste me, hear me, touch me; but most importantly, dont SEE ME.
As soon as you see then you had become blind; blind to the truth and aware to falsity.
Oh, how sad then; I can relate.
For you see, I used to depend on science. On my 5 senses. They looked factual. Hah; they FELT factual.
I have evolved though; became into something more. Much more than just the fool. But to the level of being enlightened of actual reality. The difference between MY reality and REALITYS reality.
Sane people cant see this; society is sane in the sense they can relate to one another.
But everyone in society are actually deranged; forcing their ideology unto others for what?
So that they can AGREE?! Hah! Thats true ignorance.
Never learning how to be independent; on the contrary, society is GOOD for those who are disabled.
Disabled for the TRUE fools who depend on others for their satisfaction of supposedly curiosity.
MUNCH. MUNCH. CRACK. SPIT. STEP-UH-SLAM. Hah. Take that beliefs.
You didnt taste good. The topping of society made me pass gas of lies, SAD FACE.
In other words, those who think they are SANE, are, in ACTUAL REALITYS view, INSANE.
MUNCH. MUNCH. CRACK. SPIT. STEP-UH-SLAM. Man, the hypocrisy with our government just ruins the flavor. Progressing towards enlightenment when we are actually limiting ourselves to specific branches; entertainment, science, common sense, et cetera.
Et cetera in the sense its the SAME as the other branches. The SAME that we truly know nothing but never wish to acknowledge it. BUT ACKNOWLEDGE IT! Become insane! Join me and the others which you and your idiotic ways label us as insane! However, before the last drop of insanity floats away, remember this;
By going insane we become aware. Yet sanity is when you are aware of what is happening around you. In other words, going insane is actually going sane.
Lay down your rational thinking and logic and FLOW with emotions.
Show me what you got. Show me what I got. But please leave out the evidence.
Thats only for sane people.
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2009-09-27 12:59:29] (Date/Time posted on
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