Handfasted Lass
Contributed by
Wednesday, 14th October 2009 @ 03:50:26 PM in AEST
She's fallen down from the wall into the chasm of some distorted hollow maze....
Losing track of all her distracting mixed up days...
Confused and questioning this painfully frustrating end-of-an-era phase....
Reaching for something or someone to help her lift the foggy blue haze...
They're all pointing fingers and labeling her white knuckled craze....
Denying her requests for sustenance or supporting her need to graze....
Futility replaced her will as they blame her for their losing their own ways....
Guilt-ridden and panic-stricken for her inability to create her own epiphany to raise....
She's trapped in the darkened forest circling the swamps in some kind of befuddled daze...
Weakened by the twisted hands of fate as they continuously dole out their absent-balloted nays....
The stone wall on the landward side of her isle has shut her off from the bridge that crosses to her bay....
She pensively sits and rocks if only to bide her time until the queen inside her heart can calm her rage.....
She wants to feel once more the peace wash over her as she sinks her feet into the sands of her healing shores and warmly soaks under the forgiveness of the western rays.....
She's only seeking courage to no longer run and flee her land...to just repair herself before another takes ...for she's barely existing....being the sole survivor who pays....
Somewhere in the future there's a time when the pixie finds her wings and the siren has her esteem...the princess released from her dungeon and her kingdom grandly restored...wouldn't then her shining knight be so amazed...
Until then, her quest is the collection of all the old destructive parchments and creeds throw them across the river and set them all ablaze.....
Will she be able to ever trust the daylight and emerge from the floor upon her forest or breaking her chains of intentional deprecation...grasping for the chance to finally turn her story's page....
Will she eventually discover the way to her own heart's home...able to release her grip from the dragon's steel with no more wars to rage....
Can she accept the manna she needs and choose her destined path thus completing her journey and earning her laurel of sage....
For now she's struggling for her freedom with the keys just out of reach....she batters herself repeatedly just to vanquish her demons that rattle her cage....
She begs you to tread softly through the underbrush as you search to show her the light for the crushing sounds of her minds' demise is getting harder to gage...
She urges you to come swiftly before the falling of the snow for once the ice blankets her canopy of seclusion she'll not find her way to the stage....
The winds of chill come quickly now as they seep into her bones ....her soul cracks and her heart crumbles from the pressure of the constant crave....
Weeping and spent she collapses to the floor of her prison...the veiled threats from her minds' evil have caused her glow to finally fade.....
Invulnerable nor expendable this lass has not the security of her forest as the bitterness of the season envelops her 'til the thaw of spring lifts the shade....
The eagle cries above the trees as the owl owns the forests' darkness....leaving the wolves to howl at the moon for their loss of the fair maid....
Rising from his caverns of heat the dragon waits quietly near her place of slumber...ever present to protect her from any opposer's raids....
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2009-10-14 15:50:26] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Handfasted Lass
(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Wednesday, 21st October 2009 @ 12:12:24 PM AEST (User
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dear Fallen Friend,
My heart embraces your saddness, for I too have fallen from the wall. I'm so happy you are staying down for the count. Feel it dear, analyze it dear, don't let it allude you dear.........and keep writing dear.........go through it, and never forget how it affects you clear to the depths of your soul............if only you will do this..............the toxic wastes of your very being will be cleansed, and you will rise from the dust............all new again!
Warm love,
Magnificent write!!!!! |