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Saturday, 5th December 2009 @ 04:50:20 PM in AEST
I just wanted to start by dedicating this Piece To a few who the love I have will not Cease
As I look back and see what is the whole Manifestation I know no other way to make this Dedication
There are many who run their course and play a Part But I had these two in mind right from the Start
Before I talk about these particular ones on my Mind I want to thank the rest who were around at this Time
If you were one of the real, rare and true Friends Im always here and you I will Defend
If you are one of the rubber and flimsy Kind I hold no grudge, its all just Fine
Each and Every one of you has their Place Thats why theres losers and winners in every Race
Now with that behind me and having been Said Lets get to where this is suppose to have Led
To The First He sadly is no longer with Us Ill see you later in this I Trust
I dont remember if I ever really fully thanked You One of the truest friends, when theres so Few
16 years I was honored and blessed to call you my Friend You will remain in my heart all the way to my End
I know my life was better because of knowing You You taught me a lot about who I am and what to Do.
Thank You Brother, It was my honor you to know R I P Ill see you again when its my time to Show
So this brings us to the second of the Two The rest is dedicated all to You
Weve come a long way in a short amount of Time The love weve shared is hard and very rare to Find
No matter how its transformed and Changed Theres still a bond and concern that has Remained
What does one say about someone like You A Gift , a Blessing just to name a Few
Thank You for everything youve done and Do I dont know how Id made it without your love and You
Know I love you and youre my STAR If you ever need me, theres no distance thats too Far
You definitely were not part of my original Plan But because of you Im a better Man
So I dedicate this book to You Two of the greatest people, real and True
And Remember as you continue through your Time Ours was a wonderful blessing and an amazing Find.
Thanks, I love you Both/ JD Wright /12/05/2009
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2009-12-05 16:50:20] (Date/Time posted on
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