Dos Lunas [Two Moons]
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Tuesday, 15th December 2009 @ 07:12:49 AM in AEST
Marchar para volver atrs, Fallar por las noches de insomnio, Y entre mil de las llamadas telefnicas sin contestar, Encontrarse otra vez y contar los das Hasta siguiente adis.
[Go away to turn back, To miss in the nights of insomnia, And between thousand of The unanswered phone-calls, To meet again and count the days Up to following farewell.]
Esto es demasiado, Que abrirse lejos a ti Y diga que te amo, Esto no es bastante, Que apartarte Y decida decir adis.
[This is too much, To open off to you And say I love you, This is not enough, To push you away And decide to say good-bye.]
Acabamos el tiempo, La perdida de los momentos, Que seria tan importante, Y esto ellos nos guardan juntos, Como si somos dos Luna, Se mis latidos de corazn dentro de tu pecho, Mientras tu respira mi aliento, Somos hechos el uno para el otro, pero...
[We're running out of time, Losing the moments, Which would be so important, And that they keep us together, As if we are two Moon, I know my heart beats inside your chest, While you're breathing my breath, We're made for each other, but...]
Esto es demasiado, Que abrirse lejos a ti Y diga que te amo, Esto no es bastante, Que apartarte Y decida decir adis.
[This is too much, To open off to you And say I love you, This is not enough, To push you away And decide to say good-bye.]
Lo que seria mas fcil, Que cerrar la puerta Y volver nunca, Quitar este peso del corazn, Habiendo respirado libremente, Pero en el fondo del alma Entiendo que tu me necesita, Como, no puedo seguir sin ti, pero...
[What would be easier, Than to close the door And to never return, To remove this weight of the heart, Having breathed freely, But at the bottom of the soul I understand that you need me, Because, I can't go on without you, but...]
Esto es demasiado, Que abrirse lejos a ti Y diga que te amo, Esto no es bastante, Que apartarte Y decida decir adis.
[This is too much, To open off to you And say I love you, This is not enough, To push you away And decide to say good-bye.]
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2009-12-15 07:12:49] (Date/Time posted on