Sinners We All Are
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Friday, 18th December 2009 @ 11:37:31 AM in AEST
Sinners we all are
No matter the position we hold in life, Sinners we all are. Every Commandment broken again and again Perfection seems an unreachable star.
The Commands of our Father given to us in Love Are taken so very lightly in every way Many have stopped trying to reach that star Please know that judgment is not far away!!!
Defensiveness and denial are all around It seems people no longer want to learn They hold onto their own traditions and beliefs Are they pleasing God? They do not concern.
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:6I am the Lord your God 5:7You shall have no other Gods before me
Have you ever put everything on hold For a better position or more money was all you wanted to obtain? Have you turned your back on someone who was really in need Because from your bank account you wanted to refrain?
These are just a couple of ways of idolatry We break that first Commandment out of greed For if we are to believe our Father He will give us all we will ever need.
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:8 You shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Means no worshipping graven images representing other gods Invisible forces that one cannot readily observe are currently at hand Celebrating christmas - decorating trees - to name only two Are breaking this commandment until we make a stand.
All aspects of christmas - were born from pagan religions A doctrine adopted by the Christian man God tells us to touch not the unclean thing Yet deceptions in traditions are not removed from our hand
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:11You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
Have you ever been so angry and mad? You just wanted to scream and yell? Have you ever sworn on the Bible or God? This is all, you know, punishable in hell.
Our Father and Jesus should never leave our midst Live with them in joy, prayer and pain Watch all that comes out of your mouth And Never Ever take the Lords name in vain!!!
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:12Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you
No one takes the time to learn the truth But again holds onto traditions of the past Man not God - made Sunday the Sabbath But people today hold onto their traditions fast.
The Sabbath begins each Friday night At sunset it starts to begin The Sabbath ends on Saturday night Sunday morning another week we begin.
Everyone everywhere it seems On Saturdays - off to the market they go They buy they sell they trade and such But rest and relaxation they do not seem to know?
We are not to work and toil Cleaning and such should be put on hold Chores Jobs and all the like Place all on the back burner as we have been told
God gave us this day to rest and rejoice Thanking him for our blessings galore To aid those less fortunate To worship Him forever more!!!!
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:16Honor your father and your mother.
Every time you have disobeyed your parents Dishonor can easily be found Every time you have lied - or money you have stolen Honor is no where anywhere to be found
Every disrespectful word out of your mouth Every time you have griped and complained Infancy to adulthood all negative actions count This commandment today - broken and stained.
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:17You shall not commit murder
How many times have you wished someone dead? Or hated someone with all your might Did you know in the eyes of God? Murder youve committed in His sight
Be careful of the thoughts you have For all of them our Father can see Rebuke them aloud in the name of Jesus Pray for forgiveness and Gods mercy
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:18You shall not commit adultery
Just like murder mentioned above Lustful thoughts will condemn you in the same way For every time you have desired another This path has led you astray
To your spouse always be loyal and true For your marriage by God is blessed Beware of all lustful thoughts fantasies and the like Again so many of us have failed this test.
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:19You shall not steal
How many office supplies from work are in your home? How many hours at work using the computer do you play a game How many newspapers did you grab from the stand? Another commandment from which we refrain
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:20You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
How often have we been so angered? Revenge we have sought and desired We fabricate lies or enhance the truth Revenge against our neighbor inspired
How often have we been in the wrong? But when re-telling we leave that part out How many times have you falsely accused others? You lie because arrogantly you think you have clout
Deuteronomy (New King James Version) 5:21You shall not covet your neighbors wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field,.or anything that is your neighbors.
Has any friend bought a brand new anything? And envy and jealousy walked within you hand in hand? You wanted so badly what others have Unfairness to me was your final stand
Your best friend just got breast enhancement Now you want new boobies too Your neighbors just came home from a 10-day cruise Plans for next years vacation begin to stew.
As you can see It is easily done Many times we never even think twice We sin and we sin and we sin again Never ever thinking about the price
Many have planned for retirement Put back for those golden years They never give thought to their eternity Will it be joyous or will it be full of fears
As Christians we have to take a stand We have to spread the joyous news Jesus Christ is coming soon Heaven or hell Which will you choose?
There is no in between Riding that fence of doubt will lead to hell Repent my brothers and sisters Christ is coming and the world we must tell!!!!
Now speaking to all professing Christians Do not be lukewarm to God in your heart Are you seeking for truth and knowledge? From all your evil ways will you part?
Today as a Christian I admit I have sinned. But Jesus knows my heart He knows that I am trying my very best Having faith in Jesus Now I am off to a great start!!!
Be careful to what you think Be careful what you do Be careful in all you say Because God is watching you
He will rewrite your heart and soul He will change you from within To be living with Christ everyday Is the very best way to each of your days begin.
Once you do some homework Investigate all of this on your own I hope it finds Christ inside your heart Because your worldly body is just a loan.
Sinning can not be taken lightly Jesus is not a card to get out of jail free We must continuously strive to please him I live in Jesus and Jesus lives in me!!!
Cheryl Ann Mulford December 18, 2009
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2009-12-18 11:37:31] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Sinners We All Are
(User Rating: 1 ) by pooper on
Monday, 30th August 2021 @ 11:47:38 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
I/'/m not religious, don/'/t believe in a god, but, your observations on our lives and on living are pertinent and run the gamut of a lifetime with faith. My faith in /'/mans/'/ nature, not religion, is not yours but I admire
your presentation on a controversial subject.
Ron |