Fumbling the past...
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Monday, 8th February 2010 @ 10:44:15 AM in AEST
We separate ourselves from the pact, all looking to be different then the next. Labels and titles status and prestige. Following some while forgetting others who do not follow the same goals.
Lost and alone.
We try to bury the feeling with possessions but it does not cover the ears. You can deny the connection, its easier to believe you are unique then to belong.
So wrong.
We are a collective, a consciousness of minds. Connected in everything. We are too busy to hear the universal language of humanity. Or stop to see the truth of what our surrounding are becoming. To busy getting caught up in our own little worlds we forget to see the comets coming. Some unresolved ideas never stay dead, we can run but we can never hide.
Its been so long since we were a family.
I hear the music and its playing our song, we need to take away the outside noise to hear within. Call it what muse you want but the language is still the same.
We are all the same, we miss you and welcome you home again. We are a family, our planet our home. We need to forget the past to move on in our lives. To become closer then we ever were. Our world does not need to be strife. We do not need to feel alone. Just come home, just come home.
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2010-02-08 10:44:15] (Date/Time posted on
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