You just sit there,, with your hands on you face,, crying,,wondering why,, what happened,,who's fault was it,, ,,,,,,,,both,,,,,,,,,
I always wondered why my parents divorced, my hands in my eye's,,crying,,my fault,, no,,their's,,
we sit there not doing a thing,, knowing that we have the power,, to do something about it,, but we just sit,,
GET OFF YOUR BUTT,, AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT,, dont' just sit there,, you dont have to put up with it,, you must make a stand for what you believe,,
dont let the things hurt you,, or make your day living hell,, say what you want,,express your thought,, not with your hand on your face,, or crying somewhere,,
stand up and believe,, dont let anyone hurt you,, or say anything to affend you'' your better than that,, my friend in words,,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-04-11 02:05:00] (Date/Time posted on