Quantum Love
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Wednesday, 31st March 2010 @ 10:58:59 AM in AEST
Emerging as a pulse; potential energy.. a crescendo of amplitude, rising, falling, still. The elementary particles are all there; two lovers, two hearts and deep attraction. But these particles move randomly, and the discrete units wax and wane, Yet the energy transforms, dissipates, but only resting until you're ready to give it form. This dance of attraction is random and unstable, yet it is stable. The energy keeps coming back to this isoelectric line. How random can this atomic world be if we keep coming back to each other? The head and the heart; quantum and linear existing together. Will it all come together once we can align the two, or is it better to have the dance carry on spontaneously?
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2010-03-31 10:58:59] (Date/Time posted on
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