In Hindsight, Everything Gets 5 Stars
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Thursday, 29th April 2010 @ 01:37:07 AM in AEST
Every expectation has been suggested already, by beams of sunlight and a twelfth story swimming pool hidden between floors and near elevators. There is too much too far away and nothing that is close is nearby. The room is blue in my book, and I think that I am hiding from the roots that keep me sewn into the ground.
So blue room blues will keep on hiding beneath the surface, and I will keep on smiling with my branches glued to the surface, and every fashion will be beyond me, and the unknown American Dream will continue to rest under a broken tree.
And empty bottles of water and passion will lie motionless inside a hollow room where the echo carries itself, and the era of sound has already been forgotten.
It's too late to see the golden days, and too early to read about them in a textbook.
It's too soon to see the tainted silver lining; I can breathe easier with the promise of a drink in my hand, and the ability to sway opinions, and wage see-saw battles. I'm still searching for the bottom, I'm still aching for that feeling of knowing I have nowhere left to go.
Life is an exercise in breathing and not much else, so go home happy bleeding through the whispers of love; when the day is over and the night begins to rise, there is only one thing left to say, only one person left to kiss, and only one sky left to breathe under.
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2010-04-29 01:37:07] (Date/Time posted on
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