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Tuesday, 13th July 2010 @ 09:58:09 AM in AEST
INTRODUCTION My love for this music flows in my veins , And from writing about it myself I could hardly restrain !
The Atlantic Slave Trade : The story begins some four hundred years ago in History , Drenched in the blood and sweat of the black slaves which was no mystery ; Painting a sorrowful background to our Jazz Story ! It was a time when the English , Spanish , French , Portuguese , and the Dutch became frantic , - To gain control of the slave trade across the vast Atlantic ! Slave trade those days was a profitable business proposition ! The funds generated had also financed Britains Industrial Revolution !
In 1619 , a Dutch sailing ship had carried the first lot of fifty slaves from West Africa , - To work in the cotton , tobacco and sugarcane plantations of English colony of Virginia ! Only twenty slaves had survived that hazardous Atlantic journey ; And here my friends , lies the roots of my Jazz Story ! While it is true that in New Orleans - Jazz got cradled and nourished ; But it had taken birth in the regions of Western Africa , - Where slave trade had once flourished ! Later , many more slaves were transported across , - To work in the plantations of the Southern States of America ,* And in their hearts one could hear the tomtom and drum beats of native Africa !**
Hollers and Work Songs : The slaves brought no musical instruments with them , And worked under the whip lash of their white Overseers - in chains ! But they had clung to their music which fed their hope and the will to survive ! And from the depth of their sorrow and suffering , - Sprung the rhythm and beat of their life ! While at work they were forbidden to talk to each other , So they sang in a rich sing-song voice , and called out to one another ! This was not understood by their whip-wielding Overseers ! They also called out and communicated to other work gangs in the distant fields , Who also replied back in a similar fashion , - To make their communication network complete ! The hollers and work songs also did help , To lighten the burden of their treacherous fate ! This call and response later formed one of Jazz musics basic elements ! As improvised music got composed with jazz providing a proper vent ! From their tormented soul they sang to wipe away their blues , Giving birth to blue notes later , for WC Handy to pay his handsome tribute ! The slaves longed for freedom and emancipation , And sang their spirituals with faith and devotion ! While singing they often got into a trance , And felt like the Israelites in bondage in Egypt , - ordained by fate and chance ! The Mississippi was like the River Jordan , across which they hoped to see , - A band of Angels coming in their chariots to set them free , @ From their suffering , drudgery and captivity ! Thus improvisation becomes a vital ingredient of Jazz music ; $ For freedom of expression is its distinguishing feature , - which Jazz forever seeks !
Thus friends , Jazz had come in chains buried deep inside the black mans soul ! With a longing for freedom from torture and pain , - Which was totally beyond their control ! The tom-tom beats , work songs , spirituals and the blues , - Were all precursor to Jazz , - and here let me pause , - to pay my homage and dues ; To those valiant predecessors who had come in chains , Giving a painful birth to jass, - from which Jazz gets its name ! # -Raj Nandy New Delhi Foot Notes :- *Slaves sold at 15 dollars per head !Early 1700s saw 75,000 slaves auctioned! By1800s there were one million slaves in US alone ! Slaves came from Senegal, Ashantis, Gold Coast, Niger Delta, Dahomey & the Congo; with a variety of beats and music buried in their hearts ! **The Drums were an essential form of communication in Africa ! They believed their Gods communicated through their beats ! Those drums provided the basic beats of Jazz Music ! +Blue music= a part of cultural landscape of Southern US by early 1900s ; remained unnoticed till W.C.Handy published his song Memphis Blues in1914 ! @Reference famous Negro spiritual song -Swing low sweet chariot ! I use to sing in my Missionary School in Calcutta ! Slaves had sung them in plantation praise houses ! # Jass originally an Africa-American slang meaning sex ! Born in the brothels of Storyville(New Orleans), & Jasmine perfumes used by the girls ! One visiting them , were said to be 'jassed-up' ! Mischievous boys rubbed out letter J from posters announcing -"Live Jass Shows'' , making it look like 'Live Ass Show' ! So ss of jass got replaced by 'zz' of Jazz ! $ Improvisation= is the process of spontaneously creation of fresh melodies over the continuously repeating cycle of chord changes of a tune, which distinguishes Jazz from all other musical forms - raising it to its own great Individualistic Heights ! THANKS ! ALL COPY RIGHTS ARE RESERVED BY RAJ NANDY.---
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(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Thursday, 15th July 2010 @ 12:28:20 PM AEST (User
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Oh Raj, I've always appreciated Jazz, but after your most informative write, I appreciate it even more. I remember as a young girl here in the States singing, "No Body Knowns The suffering I know. No Body knows but Jesus" When times get very depressing for me, I still hum that wonderful comforting tune. But now that I know all they suffered through, it means even more to me.
Thank you for sharing all your "time consuming" and "hard labor" that I know went into this poem. It's marvelous!
Warm love
consue |
(User Rating: 1 ) by antikythera on
Sunday, 18th July 2010 @ 05:17:46 AM AEST (User
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This is so incredible...history and poetry combined! I really like jazz too so this definetly resonated with me....good job! What's your favorite jazz musician? |