Honor Killings
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Saturday, 14th August 2010 @ 06:18:35 AM in AEST
Political correctness - God forbid ! Is for foul murder an accessory, Enslaved, a serf to hold up any creed, And thus ensure the pit's supremacy. ********************************************
Two lovely maidens came to our shores, Thrilled to be here, - full of expectancy, To well adapt to culture, customs, mores, But this distressed their clan and family.
As if these lapses were not bad enough To much offend their clan and family, The hapless girls deeply fell in love With Christian boys,- and that meant treachery.
Besides, the girls' burquas had some holes, They peeked through slits and small holes constantly. Thus Dad would shoot them dead to save their souls And safeguard "HONOR" and due modesty.
To killing both if them, dad would resort, Offended was his HONOR to the core, The mother's pleas for mercy were ignored, For fifty bullets would suffice - no more.
Political Correctness though does naught, Upholding foulest persuasions creed, Beware should murderers be to justice brought Authorities at large just shrink from it.
Political correctness just stands by. Indolent, powerless, indifferent, And top experts on crime, the FBI Has to respect a weird religious bent.
Political correctness is a duck, Or wiesel standing in the neutral clear, But as do leeches, siphen off and suck A nation's life blood and its breathing air.
Some old policeman grumbles in his beard; "What pity to be grovelling and bow To laws and edicts for us far too weird That rapidly like veewil varmints grow.
They keep on tolerating, - tolerate Themselves out of existance - tolerate With unchecked immigrations global spread. And Shariah compliance spawning hate.
Be mindful then good christian folk and heed (It needs no rabbi, clergyman or priest) You, you yourselfves can tell the chaff from wheat, And foul yeast from the hale and wholesome yeast.
PLEASE HELP SAVE THIS TEENAGE GIRL: "They have to kill me. My blood is now halal which means because I am now a Christian, I am from a Muslim background, it is an honor. If they [my family] love god more than me, they have to kill me" The sight of her
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2010-08-14 06:18:35] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Honor Killings
(User Rating: 1 ) by kleetas on
Saturday, 14th August 2010 @ 11:16:40 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Few people have the guts to reveal the real truth to society...even fewer have the courage to read it...but I stand with the author ,pen in hand...to tell ALL tales that must be told...whatever the costs may be...this work will be done!ARE YOU GONNA HELP us? |
Re: Honor Killings
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Saturday, 14th August 2010 @ 03:24:37 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
These look like the girls that had their dad on Americas most wanted.
It's really sick in my heart to see any father kill his own daughters for any reason.
Very touching and well written.
It's a crazy world out there.
luv, big huggs, blessings,
emy |
Re: Honor Killings
(User Rating: 1 ) by barbaraelisabeth on
Saturday, 5th November 2011 @ 08:15:41 AM AEST (User
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Liebe Tante Else!
Habe wieder einmal eines deiner erschütternden Gedicht gelesen. Leider konnt ich nicht posten, also habe ich mich angemeldet und hoffe jetzt klappt es.
Ich hab nämlich auch die Mails, die ich an
wabbit37@optonline.net geschickt habe wieder zurückbekommen, aber ich hoffe jetzt erreiche ich dich.
Allerheiligen und Allerseelen sind nun auch vorbei. Wir haben das Grab schön hergerichtet. Leider konnt ich am Allerseelentag nicht in Hallein sein. Aber Michi ist mit Mutti auf den Friedhof gegangen. Ich habe eben hier zuhause eine Kerze für Papa entzündet.
Hoffentlich hast du nicht unter dem frühen Wintereinbruch gelitten. Ich habe gehört, dass viele Haushalte ohne Strom waren. Jetzt sollte ja alles wieder in Ordnung sein.
Manchmal lese ich eines deiner wunderbaren Gedichte und denke, was du wohl gerade tust.
Liebste Grüße
deine barbara |