Deborah - Judge, warrior and Prophetess
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Sunday, 20th February 2011 @ 10:49:13 PM in AEST
Deborah Israel's judge most passionate Was moved much by her peoples plight, And with determined brow her challenge met To take up arms herself to go and fight.
This judge and warrior prophet mother sat And listened to the woes of Israel, She knew apostasy had widely spread Since Josuah's death and what since then befell.
She counselled with great wisdom all that came. Relieved their anguish, fear and lent support. And resolutely lit again the flame Of passionate loyalty for Israel's Lord.
Apostasy had spread throughout the land, Things were no longer as they were before, And many wayward could not understand Why Yahwe would no longer lend succor.
For twenty years king Jabin,- Canaanite Did Israelites with cruelty oppress, When rose this peoples Judge and shining light,- Deborah, Judge, and counselling prophetess.
A judge in time of peace, and counselor, Who wisely heard and settled their disputes, In times of war, a leader strong and warrior, A prophetess, - familiar with feuds.
A mother tender and affectionate, And full of understanding of the woes And suffering that had come of late Since Jabin, king of pagans strong arose.
Her people had bowed long to tyranny, Acquiesced to it with slavishness and cowed, With hearts too faint, and some complacency, While Deborah with indignation glowed.
Outraged by crimes committed, she spurned fear, Intrepid woman who did trust the Lord, Foiled Sisera,and his iron charioteers, And the commanders of king Jabins court.
She never sat and pondered over things, She felt a calling,- action was her role, And down the ages like a trumpet rings Her hymn, inspiring the Jewish soul.
A military strategist superb, With vision and with ingenuity Determined, no-one dared perturb The exercise of her great ministry.
'I am His instrument', - so thank me not For rescueing you from Jabin's tyranny, The thanks and credit goes alone to God Who rescues you in is benignity.
She summoned Barak, her commander chief, And tribes of Naphthali and Zabulon, For strong her faith in God and her belief, A war against king Jabin could be won.
If you go. Ill go too- but if not I will not go- thus Barak did defer, To Deborah,-a woman- stirred by God, And strong, and he agreed to follow her.
The Lord will fight for you she spoke, dont quake! Before commander Siseras charioteers, You have His word,- and He will not forsake His children for He saw their bitter tears.
They met, she, Barak and his fighting men, Discussing military strategy, To work for the attack a detailed plan That would set Israel from bondage free.
Chief Barak would ascend mount Tabor, then While Sisera lay in ambush with his men The Israelites would fast desced again, With Sisera following, swooping down the plain.
And so it came to be, the army foe Swooped down mount Tabor with great force and speed, To deal the Israelites the mortal blow. And vanquish them and chase them in defeat.
Deborah from a lofty rock cried out: To Barak, chief: Up! Up! - this is the day On which the Lord, our God will put to route The enemy, and cause their disarray.
He will deliver mighty Sisera Into the hands of woman so she cried, And strike the battling force of Caanaa, Thus Deborah, Judge and Warrior prophesied.
But Sisera was mighty and he had Nine hundred chariots and charioteers, And well equipped the forces that he led Which only made increase the Hebrews fear.
A storm rose from the east and heavy rain Drove into Siseras face and all his men,- Torrential hail and sleet burst or the plain, And efforts for retreating proved in vain.
Entangled the commanders chariot And horses hoofs of his fine cavalry, That splashed around and sank deep into mud, The horses tried in vain to struggle free.
The archers were disabled by fierce rain That kept a-beating down on them with might, Disabled were the skillful slingers train, The storm, the hail and rain impaired their sight.
The swordsmens train was crippled by great cold, The Kishon rivers furious flood swelled high, .The hail beat down on them, while thunder rolled. Their strategy and plans all went awry.
But Deborah, Barak and the Israelites Behind them had the storm that whipped and lashed, And saw the struggling smitten Canaanites, Their chariots that either sank and crashed.
His army slain,- chief Sisera took to flight By foot, to seek the hospitality Of Jael, wife of Heber, the Kenite, Assured their tent would lend security.
Fatigued from battle, he sought sleep and rest, He asked for water from his hostess first, But Jael brought warm milk in for her guest, To quench the tired fugitives great thirst.
Warmed by the milk and comfort, Sisera stretched, And was asleep at once upon his bed, While Jael peg-nail and a hammer fetched And drove the tent peg into Siseras head.
-Killed by a woman,- killed by womans hand, Fulfilled indeed Judge Deborah prophesy, And liberated was her peoples land, From harsh oppression and from tyranny.
But Sisera's mother on her balcony Stood waiting, waiting and refused to learn From messengers arriving finally That her strong only son would not return.
All Israel gave thanks unto the Lord Who had avenged, and granted victory, They sang a martial hymn in one accord,:- First martial hymn of praise in history.
The bibles first and only women who, Elected by her peoples free consent, Was mother and deliverer brave and true That guided panicked children by her hand,
A forebear of the Maiden of Orleans, Who twenty seven centuries from thence Would many battles for her army win, Saint Joan of Arc, the joy and pride of France.
Behold the mission extraordinaire And high vocation at a time of need. Intrepid lady,- warrior missionaire, To prophesy, to cuunsel, fight and lead.
(c) Elizabeth Dandy
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2011-02-20 22:49:13] (Date/Time posted on