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The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism

Contributed by xHeathenx on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011 @ 10:51:46 PM in AEST
Topic: Lifepoems

In a child's bedroom somewhere in the world,
There's a dark feel about, and a silence throughout.
A darkened room, seemingly empty.
Nothing moves, except for the gathering dust.
Overhead the bed, there's a shelf with few books.
Leaning at the side there's a little stuffed bear.
His body in turn has become a tattered faded brown.
Along his side, a few faded dark speckles.
No eyes on its face, but just stitched X's instead.
There's a brief open, and then close of a door.
Someone came to check, on the room once more.

I really want to make sure that you understand what it is I mean with this poem, so if you don't quite get it yet, please re-read it, for I want to try to explain what it is I meant here. I mostly just hope a person can get their own meaning from a poem, and appreciate what's given, but this was really important for me, and I intentionally made it subtle.

I wanted this poem to be in the idea about children who are killed in war. The Iraq war currently kills many every day, over 100,000 have died that the government is willing to admit. The idea here is that a child who has died in Iraq, or anywhere at all, which is why I left a location out of the poem. It's unknown how many children have died directly from military action, but if so much as one percent have been children, that means 1,000 children have died in Iraq based on American officials' numbers and statistics, which is unacceptable. I also wanted it to be known that even some time after this child has died, the parent has let the room remain intact, and the child's belongings are still in the room. A few faded speckles lay on the side of the child's bear, dried blood from when the child died holding his or her favorite toy. The bear's eyes have fallen out at some point stitched close as X's when the child was too rough with the toy. The X's now serve to bear(pun not intended) as a reminder of the child's death, and last but not least the parent has checked the room, briefly for the moment of purging and catharsis the room offers.

This is the only poem I've ever written that had brought to tears, and I hope you appreciate what it is I've tried to do here.

Copyright © xHeathenx ... [ 2011-02-23 22:51:46]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by kleetas on Thursday, 24th February 2011 @ 12:25:47 AM AEST
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based solely on my own childhood memories..i too had a faded brown teddybear.i called Teddy..he was soo old and tattered...his eyes were little "x-"s too...the buttons long gone...i used to stuff Teddy inside my belt and carry him around my waist day and night...i was a gun-slinger @ age 6 or so..and TEDDY would take a bullet for me ..saving me from a belly wound...i eventually had to give up on old stinky-Teddy...but i never shed a tear...growing up safe and warm..never a thought about death or war ever entered this little boys heart.....until..now....my God what have we done to my little boy's world?what have we become....where is my Teddy now?..is he still safe and warm...and now i cry...and understand why...

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by deusdeira on Thursday, 24th February 2011 @ 05:08:12 AM AEST
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Is there any greater crime a country can commit than the death of innocents? I think this must be the saddest part of war. You captured a very sad subject in a very subtle and vivid way.

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by holderofthestone on Thursday, 24th February 2011 @ 06:58:15 AM AEST
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Well written. It is a tough subject and you've put a ton of emotion into it.
Great job!!

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by Tomboy on Thursday, 24th February 2011 @ 10:38:20 AM AEST
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Your poem conveys it all, there is no need for all the additional explanation.

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by OnceAnAngel on Saturday, 26th February 2011 @ 02:43:53 PM AEST
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Mark, this is a tough one. brilliant though.. war is ugly. it has always been. this reminds me of Ann frank(movie). Sometimes though i wonder is it better that they are taken away from the darkness and all that the world offers or is it fair to let them suffer the world-(i guess it depends if living is suffering huh?). tough. tough i dont know. but it is sad... yet, how do we deal with this? should we just leave them alone knowing they are killing their own people anyway? or be at war to push for a change? ....tough. i dont know. anyway it goes, innocents may suffer. =(

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by Lionel on Sunday, 6th March 2011 @ 05:00:28 AM AEST
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You are a worthwhile poet. That means far above average now-days.

Re: The Child's Room: An Attempt at Activism (User Rating: 1 )
by Invierno on Saturday, 9th April 2016 @ 06:53:01 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
good plug. Rage against the machine, Dude!


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