Grandma's Biscuit Buffet
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Saturday, 23rd April 2011 @ 02:13:21 PM in AEST
I stayed with my Grandma cause Mama had to work at the mill. It was Grandma who had the responsibility of keeping my tummy filled. We drew our water from a well with a bucket that lowered down. I would suspect we were not the only ones to do this in our town. Grandma drew the bucket up with cold water from deep down in the ground. We all took turns drinking from the dipper which was dented all around. She made biscuits only once each day and she put them in the buffet. A biscuit and some homemade jelly was breakfast for the day. We didn't have a toliet just a wooden building she called the ole outhouse. Needless to say it was a two seater and often visited by a mouse. My hiney was too small and I was afraid to sit upon the seat. So Granda held my hands my hindy for to keep. I had two cousins that Grandma kept too. We made a playhouse from old bottles and pans that were broken into. I was Miss Loney and my cousin was Miss Froney. I know this entire story sound a great deal like baloney. We had one giant pear tree that grew the most delicious pears. We spent the afternoon throwing rocks at them but Grandma didn't care. I remember the most beautiful one was right up at the top. I threw rocks all day until I watched that pear hit the ground and land with a glorious plop. Then we come to the Black Draught tale and oh I hated it. She would pour it in a spoon and we would pitch a fit. This stuff was made of devils doo, I really do believe. She said it kept us healthy not once noticing all our gags and heaves. Then we have the Peach Snuff that came in a little tin round can. She put a pinch under her lip, this I could not understand. So I decided I would sneak a pinch and do just like she did. I forgot to spit it out and I turned green as grass under the bed where I hid. I just knew for sure I was going to die. No one could save me now and I be gone in the blink of an eye. Hours passed and finally I sneaked past Grandma running for the ole outhouse. This time I wasn't even phased by the thought of a skinny mouse. The Sears Roebuck catalog made good for many things. It was the Christmas toy book and also toliet paper unlike that of noble kings. After all those years at Grandma's she holds a special place in my heart. She was the first one to tell me about Jesus and a piece of God's precious work of art. Written by Sybil Shearin (c)7-2003 All Rights Reserved May be used with permission
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2011-04-23 14:13:21] (Date/Time posted on
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