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Monday, 23rd May 2011 @ 11:33:30 AM in AEST
GUTTER by: BaBYGirl 2011
Good Behavior!!? Ha! Is this some kind of Cruel Joke? Good Behavior concerning me? Ms. D.L.Brown?? I feel I have different Behavior for different situations.. Which as of Lately I've struggled to even make sense ofthe Right WAy to Determine my Actions,behavior, and Lifestyle Choice,....
Buit the last 5 yrs my ways of Life and Behaviors have gone Chaotically Up & Down the Charts... In 95%of the area's I've foundmyself in, weren't even close to anything i'd choose of my own Free Will...
Kinda stuck there trying to Rule it out as being the right way at all If it's Wrong for me then it's Wrong for me I have 2 Dump It Right Now...! Which leaves me right where i always end up Desperate, A failure, Back at the Gutter Beginnings from which I continue 2 grow... Great Green Slime Like the Scummy people that do all they can to keep Me under their Bootsoles Face Down breathing in Scum, sludge, Slime and the Bodily Waste of my Peers or Enemies or the Haters that get their strength 2 go on from watching me Swallow Gutter Dirt.....
I'm so Depleated from being so Stepped on that i'm barely able to Breathe...
Who will save me some Dignity, some Confidence in my abilty to see clearly Start doing Outraqgeous Recovery & Self-Supporting myself through Drastic Relapses, Dark Binges, Over Induldging My Addictions with a severly Wicked & Uncontrolled Strength & Determination 2 keep going BAD Going Mad... ANd literally Daily Staying SAD I cant pull out of this Hole This isn't gonna become my FAD Can't ever get away from the Death Causing Never Pausing HEARTBREAKS i've had.........
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2011-05-23 11:33:30] (Date/Time posted on
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