for my favorite dad
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Friday, 16th December 2011 @ 10:02:13 AM in AEST
for my favorite Dad
from the beginning of time you were there for me i'll try to make this poem rhyme i know you'll forever be whether it's help with school, hearing me say "i gotta pee" or tanning for the pool you're the dad i dreamed of you are so cool! you'll always give me your love yes, you are my favorite dad always going above that's the guy you are, what a lad! i know i have driving problems galore that can sometimes make you go mad but all i gotta say is "I love you" then you soar whether it be boys or time of the month- you're there for a hug our relationship is never a bore this poem is way better than a mug!
love, your favorite daughter
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2011-12-16 10:02:13] (Date/Time posted on
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