I sit here and write this message,, for all to see,, words of wisdom is what they have,, but with low esteem,,
I've read poems where writers ,, put them selfs down,, I dont know why,, but I'm not them,,
you the poets of ypdc,, your special,, but dont realize it,, how many people you touch,, with words of wisdom,,
you've been there,, you know the answers,, just say it,, with words of wisdom,,
they read,,and read,, they write what they feel,, you the poets,, are needed here to help others,, ( even someone like me )
people who lose loves,, there is a message here in ypdc,, you must find it,, to have the answers,,
you poets with troubled hearts,, we are there ,, and have been there,, ask and it will be answered,,
your needed,,your special,, your gifted,, your talented,, your not belittled by us,, but thought greatly of,,
here in ypdc,, all answers will be answered,, look at the poets writting,, you'll see,, the answers,,
to all the special poets,, your words of wisdom are ,, greatly needed,, as you are,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-05-03 12:35:00] (Date/Time posted on