What Makes a Parent
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Wednesday, 28th December 2011 @ 01:46:07 PM in AEST
Have you ever wondered what makes a father, mother Have you pondered the gift that separates them from others I have spent a quantity of time on just this subject I have custody of my grandson whom his mother neglects
I'm a mother, apparently, with five grandchildren I adore But my son and daughter failed, they walked out the door I ask myself, prayed to God, was it something I've done Did I not teach them how to love, how to care for someone
I ask you, what makes some fathers, mothers sacrifice all What drives them to ensure their children never fall Why is their hearts, minds so full of love, concern, joy That they give body and soul for their little girl or boy
I pose this question to the deadbeat parents out there The fathers, mothers who go their selfish way with nary a care Who turn their backs on their children without a single thought Who show no concern, interest, no matter how hard it's sought
They include fathers, mothers who give no support, time or kisses Who like to spout they're the best parents, on this they're insistent They must keep up their false stories to save their public face Because, you see, they must run full steam in the Jones' race
How can they leave their children and feel no guilt How can they expect, demand others build their family quilt Every second spent abandoned by father, mother leaves a dent These children's souls cry, please love me, we're heaven sent
How can these fathers, mothers not want to see them, touch their hair Not make sure they're okay, share their triumphs, this is so unfair Maybe the world around them created this; I doubt that's the cause Is it how we raised them, made life too easy, causes me to pause
Dear God, I look to you, give me strength and hope to find What these fathers, mothers feel, what hate is in their mind I'm trying to understand when a child's love is so deeply set How can they walk along love's shore, and not get wet
These fathers, mothers have the right, I guess, to live life their way I hope this freedom was worth it, especially on the day When their children grow up, realize what's been done to their soul When the child turns and walks away, leaving them out in the cold
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2011-12-28 13:46:07] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: What Makes a Parent
(User Rating: 1 ) by maverick47 on
Wednesday, 28th December 2011 @ 08:55:06 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
POWERFUl AND WELLWRITTEN. It doesn't take education, grooming,teaching. loving or example for two people to have sex and create life but it takes those things and more for two people to be adequate parents. THe more our species pursues instant and excessive gratification the farther away we move from trhe family model |