A c i d L i f e
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Monday, 5th May 2003 @ 07:35:00 AM in AEST
The one place I was happy I was forced to leave behind, But now that simple place, Exists only within my mind. Because you tore me from my home, As you tore my heart from my chest, And fed on the pain of my lifeblood... All my sacrifices - in vain.
But you thrived in your apathy, Your misery, Without sympathy for the weakened soul youd corrupted, Interrupted, Treated with injustice, But no one noticed the pain, That my heart was going lame, That my agony was untamed, Without sympathy, in your misery, You thrived in your apathy.
But everyone failed to notice, You pulled me down as well, And then, I was enveloped in the seas of hell, The waters of angst tossing and turning, Burning my flesh with its tainted ardor - Your love - This uncaring, cold, cruel emotion Ate away at my heart like an acid, And left a scar straight through the core, No... I can no longer stand it... No... No more...
But you thrive in your apathy, Your misery, Without sympathy for the weakened soul youve corrupted, Interrupted, Treated with injustice, But no one notices the pain, That my heart is going lame, That my agony is so untamed, Without sympathy, in your misery, You thrive within your apathy.
No one understands, And no one really gives a damn, Except for the likes, of a single man, Who gently holds my heart within his hands, He cradles it, and cherishes it, And loves it more with every beat, Every breath, ever fiber of my being, And his... I dont have to live with you anymore, To deal with your misery, To carry the pains of your anguish upon my shoulders as well... I loved you, I still do, But you can take my guilt for you, And simply burn in hell; But for now... I simply wish you well.
Don't thrive in your apathy, Your misery, Without sympathy for the weak soul youve corrupted, Interrupted, Treated with injustice, But let someone noticed the pain, That your heart has gone lame, That your agony is untamed, Without sympathy, in your misery, I cry for you, Do not thrive within your apathy.
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2003-05-05 07:35:00] (Date/Time posted on